November 20, 2018

Fall Bucket List

I found this list of Fall activities for toddlers back in September and decided to save it so we could try out a few throughout the Fall season.  I had the picture as my lock screen for a while as a reminder of all the Fall fun we wanted to do and whenever we'd have a little down time or need something to do I'd pull out the list.  So here's a look back at some of the Fall fun we had!

Give a pumpkin a bath-- I posted about the pumpkin bath that allowed dinner to get cooked and a happy toddler after a long afternoon.

Glow stick bath--  This one was a big hit.  We did this on a Friday night and Cooper loved putting the glow sticks in his cup and then dumping them out. After bath we put on his glow in the dark skeleton pajamas and then he got to run around with his glow sticks a little more.  The glow sticks were from the Target Dollar spot, so it was perfect, cheap entertainment.

Go on a nature walk-- We actually went on a lot of these.  We got on walks a lot, usually with Cooper in the stroller.  But we've started doing more walks around our block where he can walk and he loves it.  One day I took along a paper sack so he could carry around all of the "balls" (acorns) he find.  He really still just wanted to hold them all and not put them in the bag, but it was a good try I guess.

Stay in pajamas all day-- So we didn't actually make it all day, but we did stay in pajamas until after nap time when we had to go run errands, so I'm counting it!  It was one of the first really cold and rainy days and we had no plans in the morning, so it was nice being in our cozy pajamas.

Go for a walk in the rain-- This started out as just a walk around our block, but it quickly started raining.  Cooper gave me a really funny look when I suggested we head back home, so we embraced the rain and went around the block before coming home and getting dry clothes on!

Practice gluing with fall leaves-- We went to a toddler/preschool art class with our friend AJ at the beginning of November and one of the activities was gluing leaves on these plates to make wreaths.  Cooper was more interested in walking around to find AJ than any of the crafts, but I'm still counting this since we did a little practice gluing leaves.

Visit a farm-- The pumpkin patch we went to was at a farm and Cooper loved the animals!

Make a fort on a rainy day-- This one lasted a whole 30 seconds.  I charged David with making the fort while I got lunch ready one Saturday.  Cooper just wanted to pull all the blankets down, but he had a grand time doing it!

Dissect an apple and then make stamp art with it-- We did this as part of Cooper's first painting project.

Visit the library-- Our library doesn't have drop in storytime, you have to register for the whole semester, so we aren't doing that this Fall.  But we did stop in one afternoon when the temperatures had dropped to play with legos and wander around after we returned a few books.

Make a fall tree art project--  We actually did this at our neighborhood elementary school.  They started hosting preschool nights once a month and the October one was with the art teacher who had these tree projects ready to paint along with dobbers and clothes pins with sponges to help paint the leaves.

Have an indoor picnic on a stormy day-- We had plenty of stormy days in October.  One Saturday we had a picnic snack while Cooper watched some football.

Jump in puddles-- There are definitely lots of stops to splash and jump in puddles on most of our walks.

Make a Halloween or Thanksgiving card to send to Grandparents-- We made a few of our apple art projects into cards to send out with a picture of Cooper's trip to the pumpkin patch and his Halloween costume.

Paint a pumpkin-- This one was definitely a hit!

And a few things not on the list that we enjoyed this Fall:

Baking pumpkin muffins-- We have loved Cooper's learning tower and he has been able to be by my side to make lots of muffins and smoothies this Fall

Dyeing rice for sensory play-- because a little color makes it more festive!

Sensory bins-- I posted about some of our Fall sensory bins.  It was a fun way to explore different materials.

Halloween Pajamas

A trip to the State Fair

A morning at the zoo

Playing at the mall's indoor playplace on a rainy day.

A college football game

Family walks and hikes in the beautiful weather

A trip to the Dallas Arboretum

It was a fun Fall with my little sidekick!  Looking forward to Thanksgiving this week and then starting the Christmas season.

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