October 4, 2018

State Fair 2018

 Yesterday was our trip to the Fair for 2018.  We decided to try to go on a weekday again to miss some of the crowds, so David picked  a day to take off work and we headed there in the morning.  We brought canned food so we got in for fairly cheap.  We walked through one of the buildings and then found Big Tex for some pictures.

Me and my boy!

There was a family next to us who saw us trading off getting pictures with Cooper, so they offered to take our picture (and we took one of their family).

And then we grabbed a few of our little guy.

Then David was ready to start some of the eating portion of the day, so he went to get a corny dog and I let Cooper walk around a little.  He was very enamored with Big Tex and kept looking up at him and saying "tall."  

Then Daddy came back and it was time to share some of his corny dog.

We headed over to the car building and let Cooper sit in a few of the cars and trucks.  He really wasn't a fan of being in them, so we moved on pretty quickly.

We walked through the exhibit halls about innovation and MLK Jr.  They also had this photo prop to take pictures as a corny dog, so we jumped at that opportunity.

Then we headed to watch the pig races.  Cooper loves to watch people and animals run and tell them "run run run" so we thought he'd enjoy this.  There's a lot of talking and build up so he did lots of climbing around, but he did sit to watch the pigs run and clapped for them.

Here he is telling me about the "pig"

Then it was time for lunch/another round of food.  David tried the fried elote which was new this year.

And I got a turkey leg.  Cooper shared bites of each of them with us.

Then we headed to the children's building.  Cooper did the Little Hands on the Farm activity and loved carrying around his basket and putting things in and out of it.

Last was the animals.  Cooper loved talking to all of them and watching them intently.

He is waving hi to the pig here.

After the children's building, we went over to the Ferris Wheel, but ultimately decided it wasn't worth the price for all three of us to go.  So David grabbed a funnel cake to end the day and then we headed out.

We grabbed one more picture of David and Cooper in front of the Cotton Bowl.  There was a lot of prep going on for OU Texas Weekend.  

Overall, we had  a great day!  And Cooper did really well, especially considering our day started like this:
He was not a fan at the very beginning, but quickly settled in and enjoyed the food and cars and animals.  He was a trooper and seemed to really have a fun time.

And he pretty quickly crashed for his nap when we got in the car.

It was a fun day with our little family.  The crowds weren't too bad and the weather was pretty good.  It's fun to see how much more Cooper is able to enjoy this year and I know next year he'll be ready for even more!

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