October 20, 2018

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great time on our trip to the pumpkin patch today!  We had plans to go to a pumpkin patch last weekend because there was one close to us that had some special events last weekend, so we made plans to go with our friends Lucas and Yali.  Unfortunately, it poured rain all day last Saturday so we quickly cancelled those plans.  Since that pumpkin patch only had the event last weekend, we decided to try a different one this weekend.

I have friends who have posted about Blase Family Farms, but we had never been.  I looked it up and included in admission they have a petting zoo, a hayride, a hay maze, and a hot dog.  So we decided to try it out.  Luckily it finally stopped raining yesterday, so we were able to go.  We figured it would be kind of crowded since the last few weekends have been rainy, so we got there right when they opened at 10.  There were a lot of people there, but it didn't ever feel too crowded.

We looked at pumpkins for about 30 seconds before Cooper saw the animals, yelled "goat!" and took off running for them.  We each had a cup of feed for the animals, but when we got close enough to feed them, Cooper preferred to have a seat and watch David do it.

He did go up and say hi eventually and kept wanting to go back.  He loves the animals so much, but I think he was a little confused about them being inside a fence since the other petting zoos we've been to he can get right in there with them.

Here he is saying "baa" to the sheep.

After the animals we headed over to the hayride.  It was super muddy out, but their tractor pulled us all along.  We got to see their land including the blueberry patch where thy have pick-your-own blueberries in the summer.

Then it was time to check out more pumpkins.  Cooper loved picking them all up.

Cooper and his buddy Leon.

Our little pumpkin.

Our little family.

Love these guys.

Next up was the hay "maze."  The walls are obviously low, so Cooper walked around them and even climbed on them a little.

We headed back to the goats and then grabbed a few more pictures.  Cooper would only stand here if I stood with him

Silly pumpkin faces.

Because of all the rain it was very muddy out.  They have good drainage so it wasn't too wet, but there was mud everywhere.  Add to that an 18 month old who goes so fast that he constantly falls (and gets right back up) and he was covered in mud by the end.  I tried to catch a picture, but it does not do it justice.

Next up with our hot dog lunch.  Lucas and Yali left to go grab lunch somewhere else and were kind enough to give us their hot dog tickets (Cooper's admission was free, so he didn't get a hot dog ticket).  So we had hot dogs and chips at the picnic tables.

Last up we picked out a few mini pumpkins to bring home.  We'd bought a pumpkin earlier this Fall at Trader Joe's, but it was fun to get a few from the pumpkin patch.

Last up was stripping out of muddy clothes.  We had already gone through 2 pairs of pants, so Cooper rode home in a long sleeve shirt and socks :)

It was a fun morning and we'll definitely be back at Blase Family Farms another year!

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