October 24, 2018

Cooper's first Painting

So far in Cooper's 18 months, we haven't done a ton of "crafts" together. He will color briefly and has started doing some activities with gluing and/or coloring at church but we don't do much at home.  But I decided to try out some painting for a few Fall projects.  It was a rainy afternoon, so we decided to pull it out to help the time pass by. 
First up was apple stamps/painting.  I put the paint on the apple and then gave it to him to push onto the paper.

He did a pretty good job and was really into it (for about 3 minutes)

You'll notice his lack of shirt.  I decided it was easier to just let him paint in his diaper and not worry about clothes getting messy, even though we were using washable paint so it probably would have been fine.

The Crayola washable paint soaked into the apples a lot and didn't leave much paint on the paper, so then we tried a few with acrylic orange paint and they definitely turned out better.
A few of Cooper's "apple pumpkins"

Then we switched over to painting one of the pumpkins we got at the pumpkin patch this past weekend.  

When I first ask if he wanted to paint the pumpkin he said "no."  But then I showed him how and he immediately asked for more.

He loved using the round brush to make "polka dots" (as I called them)

And he really loved painting his high chair tray ;)  Luckily it all washed off pretty easily.

I put his pumpkin outside to dry.  Since it was washable paint, I know it may not stay on for very long, so it's a good thing he enjoyed the process.

And we ended the afternoon with a bath!  Cooper is starting to love bath time more, so it was fun for him to get to play in the water some after he painted.

Overall, it was a fairly successful first try at painting.  The whole process lasted about 10 minutes, maybe, but he seemed to enjoy it and it was something new to try!

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