October 5, 2018

National Taco Day

When I was making our list of little holidays to celebrate this year, I knew national taco day had to be on the list!  We are big fans of tacos around here, so we couldn't pass this one up.  Since it fell on a Thursday, David was working from home so we decided to go get breakfast tacos to start the day.
We got to Fuzzy's and they were having $1 tacos all day.  We grabbed a picture with the sign about national taco day and then ordered our breakfast.

Cooper enjoyed a potato, egg, and cheese taco along with a few chips and a little queso and my tortillas.

After we got home, Cooper and I settled in with a book and an activity while David started working.  I've heard a lot of parents talk about this book, so I put a hold on it at the library and luckily we were able to get it in time for Taco Day.  It's a silly story about how dragons love tacos but hate spicy things.  There's a taco party and all kinds of fun.  Cooper's favorite part was pointing out the dog on each page.

Then we worked on building tacos out of felt.  I cut out "tortillas" and some toppings (meat, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese) earlier this week.  I had put up some contact paper on the wall last week that Cooper has been sticking foam pumpkins to, so today I put all the taco toppings on it and we built some tacos.

At first I held the "tortilla" and he put the toppings on, but then he quickly got the hang of it and started putting them together himself.

The finished taco.  Cooper also liked taking them up to the table and sitting with them and then walking around and pretending to eat them.

I also love the felt because it all sticks to itself, so once we had some tacos assembled I could put them on the contact paper and they stayed together.  Obviously, most of the toppings don't look like the real thing, but I figured bigger pieces of felt were better than trying to cut out smaller pieces of "meat" or "tomatoes" or "cheese."  This kept Cooper entertained all morning until we went to our ESL class that I teach.

We came home for lunch and David and Cooper enjoyed some mini tacos that David had found at Trader Joe's a while back.  After taco lunch it was naptime!

 After nap, I decided to try out our first rice sensory bin.  So many people I follow online do sensory bins with their toddlers.  Anytime we've done one with paper or Easter grass, Cooper just wants to take everything out.  Since it was somewhat nice outside, I set up our tablecloth outside and the rice bin on top.  He loved scooping and pouring it-- mostly all over his leg.

After a while, I threw in a few hard shells that I bought for the tacos since I knew we had more than we needed.  I showed Cooper how to break them apart and play with them...

But he just said "chip" and settled in to eat them :)

 For dinner we made tacos.  We waited until David was done working and so we all worked in the kitchen together.  Cooper was helping me measure the spices for taco seasoning here-- he did really well with pouring the spices into the bowl from the measuring spoons. 
Tacos for dinner!

 And dessert tacos too!

We had a lot of fun with our day full of tacos!

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