October 1, 2018

Cooper's Cubbyhole: 18 Months

A year and half with this little guy!  Thought it'd be fun to update a little on what he's been up to lately.

18 months
Diaper Size: 5
Clothing Size: Some 12 months, some 18 months.  Things that fit in the waist usually aren't long enough-- a lot of your shorts are still 6-9 months, which was fine for shorts, but with pants you can tell they are way too short so most of your pants have to be 18 months to be long enough.
Things you love: Balls, Bubbles, Animals (especially dogs), Books,  Running, Climbing, Splashing, the Park, carrying bags, your pacifier
Things you don't love:  Not being able to get to Mommy or Daddy if they are around (like when Daddy works from home), being told no, not being picked up right when you ask, having to say goodbye to pacifier after naps
Eating:  You are a pretty good eater.  You love most fruit, although not all of it agrees with you.  You're not big on most vegetables, so we just keep offering them and sneak them into your smoothies.  You love sausage, tortillas, blueberries, bananas, peanut butter, bread, chick-fil-a grilled chicken, and cheese.
Milestones: Well you went from barely taking your first steps around your birthday to running, climbing, and trying to jump.  You love to go up and down stairs and you are pretty good at doing that independently.  You talk non-stop and will try to say almost any word that we say.  You love animals and animal sounds.  You've started reading more books and will bring the same books over and over to look at the pictures-- you have your favorite pages in the books that you want to stay on usually.  
Fun things about you: *You are addicted to your pacifier.  We started only letting you have it for nap/bedtime and during diaper changes around your birthday.  But you ask for it all the time, especially if you fall down-- you barely cry but immediately ask for paci.  You sometimes even say "night night" or ask for your diaper changed so you can get a paci.  We've also found you climbing on boxes to get one off of your changing table and climbing onto the dining room table to get a paci we placed up there.
* You love being silly.  You will say or do silly things and then tell us "silly."
* You love balls.  Any time we go to the park if someone has a ball you try to get it.  We try to take along your tennis ball to help distract you, but it doesn't always work.  When we're out to eat, you quickly tell us "Football" when you see it on TV.
*You love Lily so much.  You are always asking about her and looking for her.  You love to try to hug her, but she is not a huge fan of that!  You also love other people's pets.  Whenever we talk about going to visit certain friends you will talk about their dog or cat and look for them as soon as we get there.

I can't believe it's been a year and a half with you my sweet boy.  You are growing so fast lately and doing new things all the time.  It always amazes us the connections you make between things and the words you pick up.  You are becoming a big helper and even though my days are less productive, I have fun with you by my side!  You have so much you want to tell us and you are definitely not a fan of not getting what you're asking for right away.  This month we've been doing so many more activities where you're going to the church nursery and you've taken it all in stride and are learning so much at church.  Lately you've started singing and it's so precious even though we have no idea what you're saying!  You are into absolutely everything and on the go every moment you are awake.  You keep me moving and exhausted most days, but watching you discover new things is so much fun.  I am so very glad you're mine and so thankful for these 18 months with you-- I can't wait to see what you learn next Cooper Paul!

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