November 9, 2018

One Day HH

For the last few years I've participated in #onedayhh on Instagram where you document the everyday details and post every hour or so.  I actually don't even follow Laura Tremaine who hosts it, but I have several friends who participate so I jumped on it and it's been fun to look back each year when that comes up.  So I did it again yesterday and thought I'd compile it all here so I have another day in the life post.  So feel free to skip it if you've already seen all that.

November 8,2018

{5 am} I was up a little before 5:00 this morning.  Spending the hour reading a little and then working on a few projects on our computer.  I've been doing some captioning of videos online for a little extra spending money, so I worked on that for a while this morning.

{6:30} Finished up a few projects around 6:15, unloaded the dishwasher, and now sitting down with my Bible Study for a few minutes before getting ready for the day.  I'm doing the study of Revelation with Community Bible Study and really enjoying it!

{7:30} David works from home on Thursdays so we've started going out to breakfast together before the day starts.  Here we are at Chiloso, our old standby, for breakfast tacos.  Pretty much anytime we get in the car in the mornings Cooper starts saying "eat tacos" and I finally caught it on video while we were standing in line.  Here's the proof that we may eat too many breakfast tacos:

{8:50} Back home and playing.  Cooper's current favorite game is putting things in cups and getting them stuck and then coming to ask for help.  It's so funny to me the things that capture his attention, especially when all the activities I try to plan don't last long ;)

{9:45} I am teaching an ESL for adults class this semester and really enjoying it!  I'd taught a few years back, but stopped when Coop was born.  Our church has a class about 2 miles from our house and they have a children's program that Cooper can go to and it's been a fun addition to our weekly schedule.  I try to get there early to get set up since the technology doesn't always work well.  It was a small group today, but a good class-- these students are so dear to me!

{12:15} We were having leftovers for lunch and there wasn't enough for everyone, so David had the leftovers and I had a snacky lunch of sausage and cheese and a Diet Dr Pepper.  Lunchtime is usually quick this day since we are at ESL until noon.  So we all eat together and then David goes back to working in the office and Cooper goes down for a nap.

{1:15} Cooper was down for a nap and I used some alone time in the kitchen to brown the meat and put everything in the crockpot for Taco Soup for dinner.  It was a new recipe (I did the regular amount of meat 2 lbs-- 1 lb ground beef and 1 lb ground sausage, but everything else I cut in half and it was perfect!) and we really liked it!

{2:30} Spent some time on our pool.  This pool has been a mess pretty much since we moved in.  And we've tried at least 5 different vacuums in the past 4 years and not a single one has worked.  We had to replace some pool equipment last week after it broke and while it was not fun spending the money, especially heading into the half of the year where we don't even use our pool, I tried out one of our old vacuums and it worked really well with the new equipment!  Trying to get the pool a little clean before we put on our leaf net this weekend.

{3:45} Haircut time for Cooper!  He watched Daniel Tiger, which he now asks for any time the TV is on, and got his hair all trimmed up.

{4:45} An afternoon stroll around Target to get groceries and other random items.

{5:15} Home and playing while we wait for David to finish working.  This podcast was my soundtrack for the afternoon-- they went through all of the new Hallmark Christmas movies for 2018 and talked about each one, it was a fun listen on this cool afternoon.

{6:00} While we were finishing up dinner, Cooper climbed the island and found his pumpkin with his few Halloween goodies in it.  He grabbed the fruit snacks and insisted on them, so we let him have them with dinner since he hadn't really had much since Halloween.  So he played with his taco soup and rice and beans and ate fruit snacks for dinner, nothing like a well balanced toddler meal :)

{7:25} Fleece pajamas, a paci, and a bedtime story.  Love this little guy so much.  He is loving the book I'd Know you Anywhere, My Love.  And my favorite part is that he loves finding and pointing to the mama on each page.

{8:00} Cooper was down for the night and David and I settled in on the couch with a blanket and our DVR.  And I enjoyed a little dessert too (love these Enlightened Ice Cream Bars!)

{9:00} In bed and reading.  It usually only lasts about 5 minutes (remember how I'd been up since before 5:00?).  

And that's it!  It was a good day and fun to pay attention to the small things throughout.

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