November 18, 2018

Take a Hike Day

November's "silly" holiday was Take a Hike Day.  A lot of the days I found for the year revolve around food, but since we already have a food holiday coming up next week and nothing sounded too good to pass up in November, I decided to try out Take a Hike Day.  Usually we have good enough weather to be outside in mid-November, so I put it on our calendar.

Saturday we woke up and it was a little chilly, but forecasted to be a beautiful day!  We had a wedding to go to in the afternoon, so we planned our hike for right after breakfast.  We went to the White Rock Creek Trail, which we've been to all together a few times and Cooper and I walk it sometimes by ourselves, but he's usually in the stroller so we figured it would be a good one to explore.  It's a paved trail, so maybe not the truest idea of a "hike" but we were surrounded by trees and walking through leaves, so with a toddler we figured it counts!

Barely away from the car and Coop was clinging to David saying "up Daddy."  We weren't sure how the rest of the walk would go...

but he rallied quickly and then was ready to run run run!

We stopped to play in the leaves for a minute and I showed Cooper he could pick them up and throw them, which he didn't seem to think was a bad idea!

After a while he wanted to ride in the Lillebaby.  He was snug back there and would snuggle up to me.  He wanted to get up and then get back down pretty quickly, but managed to stay in there for a little while.

We stopped for another family selfie a little ways off the path.

Cooper loved crunching in the leaves....

... climbing on anything he could find...

... and carrying sticks!  I finally got a good picture with a smile because when I got down to take the picture he wanted to "see Cooper" so I told him he had to stand and smile so there was a Cooper to see and he did it!  Love that sweet smile.

A little walking on the "wall" along the side of the trail with a tight grip on Daddy!

Overall our hike was only about 1.5 miles, but we did lots of exploring together and it was a beautiful morning for it!  We love to go on walks together, so this was a perfect "holiday" to celebrate on this perfect Fall morning.

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