November 1, 2018

Halloween 2018

Even though Halloween fell in the middle of Cooper's bout with the flu and HFM, we still wanted to have some Halloween fun.  He was feeling much better on Halloween, but still had a slight fever.  So we stuck close to home, but he was on the move all day.  So I tried a few fun activities with him to help pass the day since we were both going a little stir crazy.

We started off with a "spider" sticker matching activity.  One of the instagram accounts I follow, Days with Grey, posts breakfast invitations that she uses to give her kids something to do when they first get up while she gets things ready for the day.  Her kids are older, so they don't always work for Cooper, but she posted this spider activity earlier in the week and tons of people took part in it so I decided to try it out.  I drew a web and then different marks of various colors that matched our stickers.  And then Cooper put the stickers on.  He actually matched a few of the colors together, which I was not expecting.  But mostly he just loved taking the stickers off and putting them on the paper.

We played at home the rest of the morning and then for lunch I made a "jack-o-lantern" quesadilla and deviled eggs.  Cooper went down for a nap and I worked on a few things around the house.

After nap was a pumpkin pie smoothie and some graham crackers for snack.  And yes, he stayed in his pajamas pretty much all day.  They're so festive and comfortable, I figured why change him if we were just at home.

Then we did a "pumpkin hunt" kind of like an Easter Egg hunt.  I had a bunch of foam pumpkins I'd bought, so I placed them all around the room and he collected them and put them in his pumpkin bucket.  I placed a few higher up on top of the couches so he loved climbing up to get those.  He asked to do it again, so we dumped out all the pumpkins and "hid" them again.

But that quickly turned in to just wearing his pumpkin bucket on his head, which may have been his favorite activity of the day!

I was making pizza for dinner and needed another batch of sauce, so while I worked on that, Cooper played with some Halloween window clings from the Target dollar spot.

Dinner prep was in full force around 5:00, but I took a break to place our buckets of candy and toys out with a sign for people to take one.  I wasn't sure when we'd make it outside to hand out candy so I wanted to get something out there before we ate dinner.  Unfortunately, Cooper was not so happy that I went out front without him (for a whole five seconds) and his tantrum included throwing a glass storage dish and it shattered in our entryway.  So dinner prep turned into cleanup time.  Cooper played with his spider stickers in his high chair while I swept and vacuumed.  All part of a crazy holiday with a toddler, I guess.  He has broken both of Lily's bowls and I usually take things away from him pretty quickly, but just can't always be there fast enough before he throws them.  We'll obviously have to be more diligent about keeping him out of the tupperware cabinet now, but it's hard when our kitchen can't be blocked off.  Oh well, we survived that craziness and moved on with the evening...

To pizza!  I made a chicken crust pizza for me and tried to turn it into a Jack-o-lantern.

I had planned to turn the boys' pizza into a jack-o-lantern as well, but cleaning up glass took priority and I didn't have time.  So regular pizza it was!  We enjoyed pizza and some orange Jello and then got ready for Halloween night.

Cooper wore a lion costume that belongs to our nephew Chase.  When I was thinking through costumes for Cooper, I knew he'd love to be an animal.  He loves animal sounds and he is a really big fan of his lion pajamas.  They say "Mane Man" on them and he requests them almost every night.  I remembered that Chase had been a lion when he was around 2, so we asked to try out his costume and it was perfect.

We decided not to trick or treat since Cooper still had a slight fever in the afternoon.  But we did let him go outside for a few minutes in his costume.  

His little lion tail :)

Love these guys!

We quickly moved the party back inside.  Cooper just wanted to go on a walk and it was too cold and rainy for that.  Once we got inside we decided to try a little trick or treating at home.  David had a small bowl of some candy and some toys and we went behind doors and Cooper had to knock, say trick or treat, and then he got to pick one.

He was a pretty big fan of it and would keep asking to do it again.  We even ran out of treats and had to replenish from his pumpkin bucket.

He got to eat one piece of chocolate before bed!  Luckily all of our candy was handed out to trick or treaters and we only kept 3 pieces in Cooper's basket, so it'll be gone quickly. 

It was a fun Halloween despite the weather and sickness in our house.  Love this little lion of mine!

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