December 1, 2014

A DIY Christmas

I absolutely love decorating for Christmas, so I was very excited for our first Christmas in our new home and all that we could do with a house.  I know we will collect decorations throughout the years to add to our home, but there were a few things I felt like I wanted this year to help make our decorations feel complete.  So I decided to try to make several things in an attempt to not buy too much.  

I love crafting, but I feel like I'm not creative at all... but I'm great at seeing someone's idea and copying it!  So I turned to Pinterest--looking at things I had previously pinned and searching for new things--and walked away with several new projects! I wanted to share the tutorials I used here in case anyone is looking for something to add to your Christmas decor. 

Stocking Hanger
One of the first things I wanted to figure out was where to hang out stockings.  I've usually just hung them on nails in the wall at any of my (or our) apartments, awaiting the day I would have a mantle on which to hang them.  But a fireplace is one thing our wonderful new home does not have.  And we don't really need one most of the time, but it meant I wanted to find something a little more permanent for our stockings!  

I took my inspiration from this tutorial and got to work.
Our dining room furniture that we recently ordered was delivered on this wood pallet.  David actually had tried to throw it away but the city wouldn't pick it up, so I told him to hang onto it and I could find ways to use it.  It was perfect for a stocking hanger!  I cut up the pallet into a long board and several other small boards for other projects I might come across.  

 I painted a few base coats of white and then used stickers to write the wording I wanted.  After the stickers were in place I put a coat of Mod Podge over them and let it dry.  Then I used a few coats of spray paint.  After a day of letting the spray paint dry I peeled the stickers off.  I added a few command hooks for the stockings to hang from.  I probably will in future years buy more permanent hooks, but I figured this was a quicker solution for our little family that may need more stockings one day :)

Christmas Card Holder
I used one of the smaller boards from the wooden pallet to make a Christmas Card Holder.  I took inspiration from these, but haven't quite figured out what I want mine to say... so I figure I can add the words another year!

Tree Skirt
 Another thing I've never had is a tree skirt.  I've never had a live tree so there's not really a need for one, but I thought it would be a fun decoration to add!  Most of the ones in store are pretty expensive and I haven't found one that I love, so I followed this tutorial to make this skirt out of red felt and chevron fabric.  It's not perfect by any means, but it fits well around our tree!

I still have several canvases from the package I bought on sale over the summer, so I knew I wanted to add a few decorations with those as well.  I took inspiration from these Pinterest finds to add a few touches to our decorations 

Felt Snowballs
I was also very excited to decorate outside this year since usually our decorations have been limited to inside the apartment.  We bought some Christmas lights and David put them up outside and I started looking for inspiration for front porch decor!

I loved this beautiful porch I found and all of the things that went along with it.  A lot of my Christmas decorations are snowmen, so I figured a winter-themed porch would work out well.  And I loved the idea of a basket of snowballs set out for a spontaneous snowball fight--even when it's not snowing!

  I followed this tutorial for a homemade snowball fight.  There is a pattern for the snowballs linked and all I had to do was cut them out, sew up the sides, stuff them and sew them shut.  It took a little bit of time, but was an easy mindless task while we're watching TV or a movie.

 And I used the printable provided with the original porch design and added it a red painted canvas.  

I'm very happy with how everything turned out and the decorations we've got up this Christmas.  And it was fun adding a few things I made!

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