April 23, 2019

Bluebonnet Pictures

Since there wasn't enough going on Easter morning, we decided to throw in some bluebonnet pictures as well.  In all actuality, we went out to breakfast at Rudy's in Allen because it is one of our favorite breakfast taco places and we had some time to spare between finishing breakfast and needing to be at church.  So I looked to see where the recommended bluebonnet fields were and found one not too far off our route.  Since Cooper was already in Spring clothes I figured it was a perfect opportunity to try to grab a few pictures.

He pretty much just wanted to run around and go on the sidewalk that goes through the fields.  We finally coaxed him to sit down by getting an Easter Egg he could hold.

He was loving the song "Hosanna Rock" last week, so we sang that and clapped his hands to get him smiling.

Finally got his Easter Egg open

We tried changing angles-- I had been looking mostly at having the field behind him but it put the sun behind him too, so we moved around.  It was a little trickier to have a good background without getting the street in there and he no longer wanted to sit, but he was happy to smile and laugh for us.

Love this sweet boy of mine!  Glad we took the opportunity to get a few Spring pictures.  We may still look for other bluebonnet patches, but this was a pretty good Easter morning detour.

And of course this gives a good chance to reminisce about other years' pictures

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