April 8, 2019

Cooper's Ball Party

This past weekend was Cooper's birthday party.  When we first started planning his party a couple of months ago, we went around and around about where to have it.  We wanted to invite some friends this year in addition to family, so we felt like our house wasn't big enough for that.  We looked at some local parks and knew Cooper would love that but worried about the weather.  We looked at a few indoor play places and liked them a lot, but weren't sure we wanted to spend the money or worry about limiting the number of people we invited.  Ultimately we decided he really would have so much fun at the park and it was the least expensive option and allowed for us to invite as many people as we wanted.  We were a little nervous about it all depending on the weather, but decided that since he is only 2 and doesn't really know the difference we would just go with it and change plans if we needed to. 

Enter this past weekend and a lot of forecasted storms for Saturday morning.  As last week went on, the chances for rain Saturday morning increased every time I looked, by Friday it was forecasting 100% chance of rain for the duration of the party time.  Friday was a beautiful day so I had a really hard time making the call that we were going to cancel our time at the park, but by Friday night we decided to go ahead and go with a back up plan.
Since our house is on the market, we didn't really have a great option to be home for the party.  We decided to just invite anyone who wanted to come play to join us at the Watermark Tree Fort.  It's a local church that has a fun indoor play place that is open and free.  Cooper loves playing here and we knew he'd have a blast even if no one else showed up.  The only downside was that they don't really allow birthday parties and we just weren't sure what it would look like.  But we texted our friends and planned to go play in the morning.

Cooper had a blast.  He spent a lot of the time with his cousin Piper.  At one point she came to find me because Cooper wouldn't go where she wanted him to ;)  The joys of being 4 and 2 and both being used to boss everyone around haha.

Cooper's friend Avonlea turned 2 this weekend too and they both love playing at the Tree Fort!  

And that is the extent of the pictures I got of our playtime.   I took our actual camera with us, but did not get it out at all.  We are so thankful for our friends that joined us to play.  There actually was another group there having a party too so it was a popular idea, but I'm thankful the tree fort has enough space that it doesn't feel too crowded.  We ended up not even gathering everyone for singing and cupcakes since the kids were all running and playing.  So it ended up not really being much of a ball party, but I don't know that Cooper noticed.

We also had a family lunch back at our house where we got to use a few of our ball decorations.  We blocked off a 4 hour spot for no showings so that we could have lunch and let Cooper nap.  When we cancelled the park party I invited my Aunts to also join us for lunch.  We had catering from Chick Fil A along with chips and fruit.

And some cupcakes!

Singing Happy Birthday and trying to figure out the candles.

So thankful for our family!

Cooper had been asking for cupcakes for a few days since he saw them after I made them, so he was excited to dig in.

We also pulled out the helmets I'd bought for ice cream sundaes at his party last year.  He just wanted to wear it instead of eating out of it.

We also opened a few gifts and Cooper got some great new things to play with!

Even though it ended up not being much of a ball party after all, Cooper still seemed to have a great day.  And we are so thankful for all the friends and family who helped celebrate our boy.

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