April 1, 2019

Cooper's Cubbyhole: 2 Years Old

Diaper Size: 5
Clothing Size: Mostly 24 months and some 2T.  18 month pants fit your waist but are too short.
Things you love: Balls, balls, balls.  Basketballs.  Baseballs.  Footballs.  Soccer balls. :) Books, pacifiers, animals, music, friends, the park, Daniel Tiger.
Things you don't love:  Being told no, the end of an activity.
Eating:  You still love almost all fruit and don't care for many vegetables.  You love cheese and sausage.  With other meats, sometimes you eat them all up and ask for more, other times you don't touch them.  You also love tortillas and some breads.  You feed yourself completely and try to use a spoon and a fork.  You love to get your spoon and fork out and take them to the table at mealtimes.
Milestones: You are talking a ton.  You put sentences together and try to tell us all about things that have happened.  You talk about people you love and remember details about them.  You also sing lots of songs.  Your memory always amazes me-- you remember some of the most random details like what shirt you were wearing when we did something specific, and you make all kinds of connections.  You are running, climbing, jumping, throwing and kicking.  You love climbing ladders at the park and are pretty independent on most play equipment now.
Fun things about you: * You still love balls.  Any time we go to the park if someone has a ball you try to get it.  We try to take along your tennis ball to help distract you, but it doesn't always work.  You now identify and differentiate between football, soccer, baseball, and basketball when you see them on TV.
*You love Daniel Tiger.  We've only watched a few episodes, but we listen to the music a lot and you get so excited when you hear Daniel Tiger music.
*You have learned lots of songs at Bible Study this year and randomly break out in song all the time.
*You want to do things all on your own-- climbing into your high chair, getting in the car and you car seat, taking things to the trash, carrying bags-- everything is "Cooper do it"
*Just in the past week or so you've started saying your name correctly!  You have been "Pooper" for almost a year and recently it's switched over to "Cooper" more consistently.
*You love your friends and your cousins so much.  You are always talking about other people and the things you did with them.
*You love books and will sit and listen to longer stories now.  Currently you're very into Dr Seuss books, especially Cat in the Hat.  You also like a Richard Scarry book called Cars and Trucks and things that go.  It is super long, so we rarely ever read the whole thing but you love to look at it.  I started tracking the books we read for the 1000 Books before Kindergarten program and you are well on your way after only a few months.

Wow buddy-- 2 years of fun and craziness has gone by so quickly!  It seems like not that long ago you were just a tiny guy, but it's also hard to remember life before you were here.  These past few months have brought lots of new discipline challenges as you and I figure out how best to navigate the world together.  You continue to amaze me with the things you pick up on and catch on to.  You make me laugh every day and I still love getting to watch you explore the world. I have so much fun with you and am so glad I get to spend my days with you.  As you continue to change from a baby into a kid, it's amazing to see all the new things you can do.  You are always moving, always running, always talking, always singing-- life is an adventure with you Cooper Paul and I'm so glad I'm along for the ride!

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