April 24, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

Even though Wednesday is almost over, I am sitting down to watch a show while David is at small group so I thought I'd post a little update for What's Up Wednesday

What we're eating
We had lots of leftovers from Easter lunch that got us through the beginning of the week.  The rest of the week are some of our go-to easy favorites--sheet pan chicken fajitas, instant pot burgers, and almond flour shake and bake chicken.

What I'm reminiscing about

We are deep in the midst of home inspections on both our house and the house we want to buy, so it was reminding me of the craziness of buying our house.  There are so many  things we didn't know about this house when we bought it and all I can remember is just how exciting and new it all seemed.  It's nice to remember that right now when it just feels complicated!

What I'm loving
Cooper started swim lessons this week and we are loving it so far!  He was pretty unsure the first day so we stayed and watched the boys after us. Then he could not stop talking about it and on day 2 he was ready to go in and did really well.  I'm loving watching him learn something new!

What I've been up to
Lots and lots and lots and lots of paperwork for houses.  That feels like it's been pretty all-consuming both time-wise and brain capacity-wise.  I'm looking forward to it all being a little more settled soon hopefully.

What I'm doing this weekend
Planning some fun time with a few friends Saturday morning and a date in the afternoon with David-- we bought tickets to go see the new Avengers movie and since it's 3 hours long I asked that we see it in the afternoon instead of at night.  So we're doing a 2:00 movie and dinner afterward.

What I'm excited about
The possibility of a new house!  It still feels pretty uncertain, but it at least feels like it could happen now.  So I'm starting to let myself get a little excited about it.

What I'm watching
Currently I'm watching Jane the Virgin.  I started watching it on Netflix when I was pregnant with and then nursing Cooper and then started watching the current seasons.  The final season just started last month so I'm enjoying it.  David has also been watching lots of the Marvel movies leading up to the new Avengers movie so I've caught glimpses of that too.

What I'm listening to
Still lots of Podcasts.  A few current favorites are The Lazy Genius, Raising Boys and Girls, Don't Mom Alone, and The Popcast.  We also listen to lots of "Cooper music" as he calls it (in the car he frequently tells me-- no podcast, I want Cooper's music) like Daniel Tiger albums, Sing by Ellie Holcomb, Ask me Whooo, and Hosanna Rock.

What I'm working on
Our house-- cleaning, packing, fixing things.  Lessons for my ESL class.  Schedule of volunteers for church.  A catered lunch for our last MOPS meeting next month.  Nothing too exciting, but feels like a lot of things.

What I'm wearing
I bought a few Lularoe Randys through Facebook marketplace and I really love them for Spring-- they're great with shorts or jeans they've been great this month!  

What I'm looking forward to next month
Wrapping up all of our yearlong commitments (ESL, Bible Study, MOPS, Apartment Ministry)-- I love all the things we're involved in but it's also kind of nice to end the year out well.

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