September 26, 2018

What's Up Wednesday

I can't believe September is almost over.  But I am a pretty big fan of October, so bring it on!  Getting in on What's Up Wednesday to tell a little about what we're up to!

What we're eating this week
Ranch!  We went on a family grocery store trip on Saturday and David picked out some wings to eat for dinner that night.  So we stopped and got some Wing Stop Ranch (the very best ranch) to go with it and when David asked for a large container, they ended up giving him 7 individual containers of ranch.  So we've been eating it with everything.  We had wings Saturday and Monday night and burgers on Sunday.  Last night we changed it up a little with some salsa chicken which I'm using to make enchiladas tonight.

What I'm reminiscing about
This little guy's first Baylor OU football game last year.  The game is coming up again this weekend and we've been debating for a while about whether or not to go.  We finally decided to do it and as fun as it will be, I think taking {almost} 18 month old Coop to a game might be a little crazier than taking 5 month old Coop to the game.  I know this weekend will be fun and a new adventure for us all, but I can't help but reminisce a little about all the snuggles in the carrier and those precious headphones.

What I'm loving
Cooper is deep in the midst of toddlerhood and I'm kind of loving it.  His little backpack is my favorite thing and he loves to put it on and walk with it.  Granted, he also takes it off every 5 steps and then gets mad because he wants it on again, so don't be fooled into thinking that I love every moment of the toddler irrationality.  But, I love that he's starting to show more independence and is doing so many things to try to help AND I love that he still loves to snuggle and wants to be held and sit in my lap to read books.  It's a sweet time with my boy, even though he drives me crazy several times a day!

What we've been up to
Our school year activities are now in full swing.  MOPS, teaching ESL, Bible Study, and an apartment ministry.  I knew this Fall would be busy for us and so far our packed schedule doesn't feel too overwhelming.  I'm glad to be plugging in more at our church both through getting to know other moms at MOPS and through serving with ESL and the apartments in our neighborhood.  

What I'm dreading
While I love that the weather is finally cooling off, this rain has been crazy and I'm dreading that it seems to be hanging around in the forecast.  I  know it's part of the Fall weather, but I feel like the amount of rain we've had has made our mosquitoes crazy and Cooper gets bit like crazy just walking from the car to the house.  So I'd at least like it to cool off enough that the mosquitoes go away!

What I'm working on
I've been working on some decorations for our hallway and I think I've finally finished so I'll share some more pictures soon.  But I've been working on painting and organizing pictures and hanging it all up.  (Note the toddler on the other side of the gate.  As I was trying to take these pictures he was in all the bedrooms getting in to all the things, so to the other side of the gate he went.  Again-- not every moment of toddlerhood is awesome, but it's all pretty funny looking back at it even if in the moment I was feeling crazy!)

What I'm excited about
October!  Kicking off the month with Cooper turning 18 months old and we've got big plans for celebrating national taco day, going to the fair, visiting the pumpkin patch, playing outside, enjoying Halloween, and so on!  Who knows what all we'll end up doing, but I just love that month.

What I'm watching/reading
With the new TV season kicking off this week, we're trying to figure out what all we want to watch.  We're trying out a few new shows to see what we think.  I don't know what all we'll end up watching other than...
This is Us.  We watched the premiere last night and it's definitely one that we tune in for every week!

What I'm listening to
I was so excited that Lauren Daigle's new album was available on Amazon music.  So we've been streaming that quite a bit while we drive around and play.  Free music is my favorite.

What I'm wearing
Leggings and tunics.  Sweat pants and t shirts.  Shorts.  My wardrobe is getting quite the workout with all of the varying temperatures right now!

What I'm doing this weekend
Going to Norman to chase my toddler through the stadium and maybe watch a few minutes of football!  Looking forward to continuing our tradition of going to the Baylor OU game together.

What I'm looking forward to next month
All the October things that I might have already gone a little overboard about.

What else is new
David and I both ordered new glasses last week.  After some recommendations from friends and family, we decided to try out zenni so we uploaded our pictures and spent an evening "trying on" glasses on the computer.  Our glasses should be coming in soon so I can't wait to get them.  And I love that if they're not my favorite I didn't spend very much on them.

Bonus question: What's your favorite way to eat/drink Pumpkin?
Pumpkin muffins and Pumpkin bread are my favorites.  I've been trying not to eat as much bread recently, so I haven't had much this year.  A friend of mine made some low-carb pumpkin bread and brought me a slice at MOPS on Monday so I've been enjoying bites of that this week.  And I'm looking forward to trying out a few new pumpkin muffin and pumpkin cheesecake treats later this Fall!

And that's what's up around here.

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