September 19, 2018

Turtle Adventures

Sunday afternoon I went grocery shopping during Cooper's nap and when I got home, David said he thought there was something living in our pool.  He had seen something swimming, but whenever he was out there it would dive deep where he couldn't see it as clearly.  But as we were standing inside, we saw a turtle swimming around in the pool.  David wanted to go take it out, but I didn't really want to just set it free in our yard.  So we decided to wait until Cooper was up and then take it back to the park near our house and release it into the pond since that's most likely where it came from.

So we went out after nap and tried to get it.  As soon as we came outside it dove under the water.  It would come up a little but then go back under one it realized we were still there.  In the picture above it's right by the wall (excuse our green pool-- all the rain we've gotten has made it hard to keep up with, especially since we're not really using it right now!)

He finally was able to get it out with a net and put it in a box to take it to the park.  Coop and I were inside while he got it so we didn't scare it away again.

We let Cooper come out and see it before we packed everything up.  He loved talking to the turtle.

We took it and David set it free by the pond.  He had been hiding inside his shell the whole time since we'd gotten him out of the pool, but as soon as David put him down he scurried off into the pond.  We watched him swim a little but he dove deeply pretty quick and swam away.

Then we had a picnic snack dinner at the park complete with cheese, crackers, meats, grapes, and drinks.

Cooper did really well sitting on the bench!  He got down a lot to go walk around, but then would come back for more food.

It was a fun adventure on a Sunday afternoon!  Grateful we had the park closeby to take the turtle back to.  We've also had ducks from the park come swim in our pool, but they can get out on their own and find their way back home.  We weren't sure the turtle could, so it was fun getting to go together to take him back to the pond.  

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