April 1, 2020

Cooper's Cubbyhole: 3 Years

Happy 3rd birthday!

Diaper Size: 2T-3T pull ups.  We worked on potty training for about 4 months and then decided to give it a rest. You are just so set on things and so resistant to going potty when we ask you to (and you don't initiate) that we decided it wasn't worth fighting anymore :)
Clothing Size: 3T mostly, but a lot of 2T would still fit although it's too short.
Things you love: Still all kinds of balls and sports, Frozen, Mickey Mouse, PJ Masks (you act out scenes and ideas from all 3 of those), singing and music, friends, puzzles
Things you don't love:  Being told no, being patient, being asked to go potty.
Milestones: You talk nonstop most days.  You ask a ton of questions-- asking where things and people are, what they're doing, why, etc.  You have recently started showing more interest in coloring (for short periods of time) and simple jigsaw puzzles.  Your imaginary play is a lot of fun to watch-- you're constantly packing for trips, pretending to fight the rock monsters from Frozen 2, looking for mouseketools to help with things, and pretending to fight bad guys (or be a bad guy).  You can climb almost anything, are doing well on your balance bike, and can kick, hit, and throw a ball pretty well.  
Fun things about you: *You are still such a huge people person.  You talk nonstop about friends and family, always wondering what people are doing, where they are, when you can see them.  Anytime I'm trying to have a conversation you want to be right in the middle and talk to people too.
*You are all about the sports.  You pretend to play hockey, golf, soccer, basketball, baseball, and football.  You love to change into your jersey anytime you are about to play a sport.
*You have recently become more sensitive to noises and getting hurt-- before it seemed like nothing phased you, but now you really hate loud noises and cry easily when you fall.  
*You are extremely perceptive and always watching and listening and catch everything.  We'll frequently be listening to one of my podcasts and you'll pipe up with "What did she say?" and I can't even answer because I wasn't paying close enough attention, but you can repeat back what caught your attention.  You also know as soon as we are talking about you or Miles and come over to ask what we're saying.
*Your memory still amazes us-- you seem to remember things from a year ago even, you can remember what you wore to what place and different things about it.  
*You are very persistent and once your mind is set on something, it is very hard to distract, redirect or change your mind!
*You love Lily so much and are always trying to include her in your games and show her or tell her about what you're doing.  It's been good preparation for what a sweet big brother you will be to Miles!

We did an interview with Cooper over the weekend and asked the following questions (and a few others).  It was fun videoing his answers, so here's a glimpse of him based on his own answers.
What's your favorite color? Red
What's your favorite food? Sausage McMuffin
What's your favorite movie? Frozen 2
What's your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse
What's your favorite song? My Love May You Dream (JJ Heller's I Dream of You which is the song we sing at bedtime every night)
What's your favorite book? Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss
What's your favorite toy? Animals
What's your favorite thing to do? Play with me and you (daddy)
What's your favorite place to go? A Playplace at Chick fil A
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Bad Guy because they fight.

Cooper Paul, it has been so much fun getting to know you over the past 3 years.  In the past year, we've butted heads a lot, but I really do enjoy getting to see you become who you were made to be.  You love to sing and are constantly singing scripture and hymns (along with Frozen songs) that remind me of all that you are learning.  You love your friends so much and want to be around people all the time.  You always want to be wherever we are and at times that can be overwhelming when I just want to get something done, but I also love how much you love being around us and learning from us.  This past year has brought a lot of changes-- 2 moves, a new school and more time away from me, 2 bed changes, new friends, potty training, preparing for baby brother-- and while you have struggled with finding balance in that at times, you are also growing so much and able to take in so much information.  You love your Daddy so much and always want him to play with you and read to you every night-- and while I miss being the one you choose at bedtime, I'm so thankful for the relationship you have with your Dad.  You keep our lives interesting and help us go to bed exhausted every night :). I love you so much my Cooper Paul and am so thankful I get to be the one who is there for all of your moments big and small.  

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