April 30, 2020

April iPhone Rewind

A full month of quarantine life.

 Cooper got costumes for all 3 PJ Masks characters for his birthday and he had to wear all of them right away.

Cousins brought some balloons over for Cooper's birthday.  They actually are still going strong a month later, and he has loved playing with them.  One day he decided to take one on our walk and pretend it was his kite.

Cooper has been asking us to read stories out of one of his Bibles several days at breakfast.  This day David was reading from the Promises of God Storybook Bible.  (sidenote, we got this for Christmas and have really liked it!)

Another birthday present was this fun pool.  We have spent lots of time with it in our backyard.

Love catching him sleeping when we go turn out his lamp at night.

I gave both the boys haircuts.  Cooper helped sweep up the hair afterward.

He's been drinking lots of smoothies.

One morning Cooper set up his chair and "desk" so he could work with Daddy.  It only lasted about 20 minutes, but it was a nice break for me ;)

I've made masks for us and several friends.  Cooper kept asking where his mask was so I made him a Rangers one.

With David working from home and me not sleeping well in the last month of pregnancy we haven't been great about getting up in the morning.  So a common occurrence is for Cooper to come in our room when his clock turns yellow and bring lots of books with him to read in our bed.

First tree climbing experience.

Swimming again.  He loves helping hold the hose while we fill it up.

Chalk and toys on the front sidewalk.

The new normal.  For all of my doctor appointments I get screened when I enter the hospital doors and then they hand me a clean mask to put on and wear for the duration of the time I'm in the hospital.  

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