July 1, 2020

June iPhone Rewind

We took both boys for check ups-- Miles for his 2 week check and Cooper's (late) 3 year check up.  We all had our masks while we spent time with Dr Pounds (who we all love!)

Cooper frequently holds Miles's hand in the car.

We went to Blase Family farms to pick blueberries and eat some popsicles one morning while David was still off work.

A morning in the inflatable pool with all the extras!

We also took a family trip out to Ham Orchards for blackberry picking and to shop at their store and take home some BBQ and ice cream.

Miles was pretty unsure about that "long" (45 minute) car ride.  So I sat with him on the ride home.

Cooper loves painting the shed with water and he really loves when Daddy will paint with him.

We found a creek to explore!

Matching pajamas for the boys.

Cooper helping Miles with tummy time.

Hulk popsicles (1 avocado, 1 banana, 1/2 cup greek yogurt blended and frozen) make us stronger!

Morning snuggles with both boys.

Cooper and Miles both wore their Texas Rangers outfits for Daddy's birthday.

Round 3 of Quarantine Haircuts

And our first real family photo where you can see everyone's faces!

Miles was doing tummy time and fell asleep so he took his nap there for the afternoon. (This quilt was made by one of my baby hall volunteers at church-- isn't it beautiful?)

Big brother and Little brother filled our days this month :)

1 comment:

erin m said...

I love ALL of these :)