July 17, 2020

Baby's First Road Trip: Miles Edition

3 years ago in July we packed Cooper up for his first road trip to Oklahoma to see his Grandnanny.   Since then we have gone to Oklahoma every July.  With Covid we weren't sure what would work out this year, but we still wanted to take the boys up to see Grandnanny and family and give her a chance to meet Miles.  So we waited until we were done with most of our doctors appointments and when we would be fairly quarantined before we went and headed up last weekend.

We headed out mid morning and both boys did great in the car.  We stopped about halfway to eat lunch in the car and feed Miles.  When he would get upset Cooper was quick to hold his hand, but really he was pretty content on the ride up since it's mostly highway with few stops.

Little guy's first snuggles with his Grandnanny.

Cooper also got some Grandnanny snuggles while they read books.

On Saturday we went over to David's Uncle and Aunt's house to swim and eat lunch with family.  Miles crashed on the bench on the back porch.  He loves being outside and is pretty content there.

Cooper loved swimming, jumping in, riding the floats, and throwing toys for his cousin to dive for.

He also liked sitting in the kayak that they were cleaning out.

And hide and seek was a huge hit with these cousins.  They played so well together and had a blast.

Grandnanny with both boys before we headed out Sunday.

It was a great visit with family.  We enjoyed getting to see everyone and introduce Miles to Oklahoma!  Looking forward to going back.

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