July 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 2 Months

Weight: 14 lbs 11.5 ounces
Diaper Size: 3
Clothes Size: 0-3 months (onesies are starting to get too snug, but most of your 0-3 months still fits)
Things you Love: Being Held, Eating, sucking on your hands, Mommy, being outside
Things you Don’t Love: Being hungry, your car seat, loud noises, tummy time
Milestones: You still eat like a champ! You've started smiling this month, although your smiles are still a little hard to come by. You are making eye contact, but still not super interested in looking at toys or other things. You're still a pretty good sleeper, but not always consistent-- you go from sleeping all night to waking up the next, back to sleeping all night and back to waking up-- so we're just taking the good stretches when we get them! You do lots of cooing and gurgling to talk to us and you lift your head well when we're holding you.

My sweet little guy you are so precious to me.  I absolutely love getting to snuggle with you.  I'm so thrilled at how well you eat and enjoy that special time together.  You are a Momma's boy for sure right now and I'm savoring how quickly you settle with me because I know it won't last forever.  Your smiles and sweet sounds melt my heart.  When I rock you to sleep you immediately start smiling and talking-- already thinking you can get out of naps by flirting ;). You have fit so perfectly into our family and our lives.  These first months (and probably year) of your life are such a different time in our World, but I'm focusing on the blessing of slower days at home to soak up these moments with you and your brother.  Miles Caleb you are the best.

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