December 23, 2018

Christmas Weekend

David's office closed at noon on Friday, so we kicked off our "Christmas Break" with a weekend of family fun.  We didn't have a whole lot of plans, but had a few things we wanted to do with Cooper so we set out to enjoy the weekend together.

After nap on Friday we headed to an early dinner at Snuffer's before going to look at some Christmas lights.  Cooper has been wanting to sit in the regular chairs or benches instead of the high chair lately, so we usually let him until he stands up and then he has to get in the high chair.  He was enjoying sitting and coloring while we waited for our dinner. 
Then we headed to Vitruvian Park to see the lights.  We got there right around 5:00 which is when they turn on the lights and it was perfect timing-- not too crowded yet and about to get dark.

Cooper would have been perfectly content to just run up and down this ramp all night, but we finally convinced him to move on to more lights.

He loved touching the lights and figuring it all out.

So very pretty!  We headed out a little after 6:00 and drove around to look at lights closer to our house before heading home for bedtime.  

Saturday our friends Lucas and Yali invited us to join them for breakfast and a trip to the Arboretum (with their membership).  Even though Cooper and I went last month, he was still really interested in all of it.

He loved getting to touch the Christmas tree

Cooper and Leon

Cooper is always telling us he wants to go "that way" so most pictures are of him pointing.  He was really into the 12 drummers drumming in the 12 Days of Christmas display and would frequently ask for "par rum pum pum pum."  We also saw the display of hundreds of nativities but didn't get any pictures.

Besides the Christmas tree and the drummers drumming, Cooper's other favorite part was running around and picking up rocks.

We ended our trip with some time in the Children's garden.  Cooper really wanted to splash in all the water, so we didn't last long but he did also have fun climbing on this giant ant.

We headed home for lunch and naptime.  While Cooper napped, I met up with my mom for a pedicure-- I didn't take any pictures, but it was a fun way to spend the afternoon!

After dinner we headed back out to look at more lights.  There is a neighborhood about 10 minutes from us that has lots of themed streets but isn't too crowded, we went last year and really liked it so we wanted to check it out again.

 Cooper was not a fan of taking a picture before we headed out, he was ready to get in the car and look at lights!
It's hard to get any good pictures, but it was a really fun place to go.

Cooper's favorite decorations this year are the ones with The Grinch.  He loves finding Mickey and Minnie, Snowmans, and Santa, but the Grinch is the one he will get stuck on and ask for more of over and over.

Our church is not having Bible Fellowships the last few weeks of the year and is just having one service, so we had some extra time this morning and I decided to cook us a little more elaborate breakfast than usual.  I tried out biscuits and gravy from this cookbook that I got recently and they were both pretty good!

 Cooper was a big fan of the gravy and the sausage!  After breakfast we played at home for a little while and then headed to church.

After nap we did our Sunday devotional.  We read one of the Christmas stories out of the Jesus Storybook Bible and sang our song for the day.  And lest you think we're doing all these great Christmas things without a hitch-- Cooper made it through one page of the story before he jumped down and tried to shut the Bible screaming "all done" over and over.  Even while we let him hold the baby Jesus, etc. from his nativity and tried to engage him with that, he just wanted to be done.  We told him we were going to finish the story, so then he took his pants off and played with those while David finished reading.  #toddlerChristmas

 Then we went for an early dinner at Super Chix and ended with custard for dessert.  Cooper was a pretty big fan!

We came home to finish off the night watching Rudolph on our DVR.  Cooper loved the music and talking about Rudolph.  Now he's in bed and David and I are watching a few Christmas TV episodes on Netflix.  I have a feeling I'll be turning in for an early bedtime-- my Christmas allergies have kicked in full force this weekend and I am wiped out.  But it was a great couple of days to kick off Christmas week!

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