August 10, 2018

High Five for Friday

We've had a pretty normal week around here and we are so glad it's Friday!  So in honor of the almost-weekend, here's a little high five for Friday.

 I've been trying to get Cooper to practice a little more with a spoon and a fork.  He usually wants to hold one, but doesn't want to use it.  So one day this week we had yogurt for snack and I gave him the bowl and the spoon and encouraged him to use the spoon.  He made a little bit of a mess ;) but he did a pretty good job dipping the spoon in and getting the food to his mouth.

I mentioned that I am on the leadership team for MOPS this year and we are gearing up for Fall.  This weekend we have a planning meeting and on Monday we have orientation for all the members to come meet their discussion leaders.  I am excited for my new group and all that this year will hold!

 These two have been a super mess this week.  Cooper is very into giving hugs right now and wants to give hugs to Lily all day long which Lily is not a huge fan of.  He also has been getting in Lily's crate a lot.  And we've had two days when Lily has woken Cooper up from his nap by barking at a delivery man or someone knocking on our door selling something.  Despite the craziness, Lily is one of Cooper's favorites and I am so glad they have each other.

Cooking dinner with this guy around is not the easiest.  We can't block off our kitchen, so he wants to be right by my feet and that's a little scary with the stove and the oven on.  Sometimes he'll play with a few things in the kitchen, but usually he wants to be held OR be taking everything out of our cabinets or dumping out Lily's bowls.  So a few evenings a week I've been trying out some high chair activities to help entertain and contain him.  This week we broke out the Water Wow book.  I had bought this when we went to Taos, but Cooper had no interest.  He's been a little more interested in coloring recently so I thought we'd try it again.  You fill the pen with water and then when you color with the water the pages change color, then they dry and go back to normal and you can do it all over again.  Cooper was mainly just interested in sucking on the brush/pen, but he did some coloring and it definitely kept him occupied for at least a few minutes.

We are gearing up for an end of summer vacation!  Mid-week next week we will be heading to the beach for a long weekend with my mom and some other family/friends.  We are looking forward to Cooper's first trip to the beach as well as some fun stops along the way.  Cooper and I spent this week getting our oil changed and a tire repaired so we are all ready to go!  Can't wait for a week away!

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