December 1, 2017

Cooper's Cubbyhole: 8 months

8 months
Diaper Size: 2
Clothing Size: 3-6 months.  Starting to wear some 6-9 month clothes
Daily Schedule: Wake up at 7:30 and nurse.  Eat breakfast (eggs, fruit, purees) at 9:00.  Nap at 10:00 (until 11:00ish) then get a bottle of formula.  Nap again around 1:30.  Bottle when you wake up. Usually you still take a 3rd nap around 4:30 or 5:00 and get a bottle when you wake up.  You eat dinner with us--usually just bite size pieces of whatever we’re eating.  7:00 a small bottle and then bedtime routine
Things you Love: “crawling” you are up on hands and knees and kind of hop forward.  You are starting to do a little official creeping on hands and knees, but mostly still hop and move forward with your arms--but you are fast!  Lily’s water bowl is your favorite thing to try to get into.  You still love Sophie, Rattles, Mommy, Daddy, and Lily.  Bottles.  Your photo book.  You’ve also been very attached to your pacifiers this month--when we put you down to play that is the first thing you go for and you keep it in your mouth most of the time.  Eating food.
Things you Don’t Love:  Your car seat.  Lily getting in your face (even though you are always in hers).  Getting your diaper changed.  
Eating: You are still loving your purees.  You will devour a 4 oz container of food in a few minutes and yell for more.  You are also rocking table foods--you feed yourself small bites of everything.  There is not really anything you don’t seem to like.  Favorites are eggs, beans, puffs, cheese, and chicken.
Milestones: Motor development is definitely the big thing this month--you are getting all around the house with your version of crawling, you can also get into and out of sitting really well by yourself.  You are pulling up to your knees to look into your toy box.  You also just this week started doing more babbling and using some consonants in your sounds.  You move your hand like you are waving hi/bye frequently but I don’t know that you really know what it means :)

Baby Boy, You are an absolute joy to be around.  You light up when you see us which makes my heart melt.  You are on the move now and it’s been funny to see what all you want to explore and get into!  You give the sweetest smiles and even try to give us kisses.  For the most part you are so happy and content to play and explore wherever we are.  I am so very thankful for you and the love and laughter you bring to my life.

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