September 1, 2017

Cooper's Cubbyhole: 5 months

Happy 5 months, Cooper Paul!  You celebrated by sleeping your first 11 hour stretch last night!

Weight: 14.8 lbs
Diaper Size: Mostly 2--although you can still fit in size 1, it's starting to get too tight.
Clothing Size: Some 0-3, some 3-6.  You are too long for your 0-3 pajamas, but can still fit into some onesies of that size.
Daily Schedule: You sleep until about 7:30 or 8:00 most mornings.  Your schedule varies day to day, but usually you are awake for about 2 hours between naps and your naps last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.  You go to get between 7:30 and 7:45 each night. Most nights you still wake up to eat anywhere between 2:00 and 5:30, but sometimes you will sleep past that.
Things you Love: Songs and Music, Mommy, Sucking your thumb, Teething Toys (Sophie the Giraffe, Teething Elephant, and a Teething ring), being tickled, being in the water
Things you Don’t Love:  Being on your tummy too long and not being able to roll back.  This month you’ve started to respond more when Lily barks and you are not a fan.  You are cautious with new people but usually will give a smile when we encourage you to.
Milestones: It was a big month!  You started rolling to your stomach and now that’s all you do.  When I put you down on the floor, you quickly roll over.  You seem to have a little more control now and will stay on your back for a little while before rolling over.  You play on your tummy for long periods of time and are pushing up a lot with your arms.  When on your tummy you pivot around and can turn an entire circle (it just takes a while!).  You are also showing more recognition of familiar people--especially Daddy.  You have transitioned to sleeping unswaddled and are able to put yourself to sleep pretty easily most days.  
Memorable Moments: Your first swim, Your first true blow out diaper, Sleep training and establishing your bedtime routine

My little love, this month has been fun and crazy all at the same time.  We finally found a groove with feedings and your schedule and then you started rolling and we had to drop the swaddle and it felt like we were starting all over!  Giving up rocking you to sleep for every nap and bedtime was sad for me, but we still have lots of cuddles leading up to putting you to bed and you are doing so well learning to go to sleep without help.  It feels like that has taken up most of our focus this month, but there has still been so much fun too!  You are still so happy and are giggling constantly.  You light up when you see me and when you go to bed at night I find myself watching you on the monitor because I can’t get enough of how precious you look all snuggled up with your thumb in your mouth.  You are definitely more alert now and you don’t sleep as easily when we are out and about, but it’s fun watching you discover the world around you.  I love getting to experience it all with you and can’t wait to see what you learn next!

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