July 21, 2016

Anniversary Journal

Yesterday was our 3rd Anniversary and I thought I'd share one of our anniversary traditions--An Anniversary Journal
I had seen this idea around our first anniversary and decided it was something that could be fun to do together and look back on.  Each year has 4 pages that include info about the past year and a place to look ahead at the coming year.  It's a neat way for us to  reflect on all that's happened between anniversaries and dream together about the future.  It's fun to pull it out every year and read back through what we wrote a year (or two) ago.

 {Yesterday ended up being a really busy day for us and we weren't together a whole lot, so we haven't had a chance to fill out much of it yet, but are hoping to do that by this weekend.}
Journal Set Up--
Page 1: Third Anniversary
A Place for a picture or 2
How we celebrated our anniversary
Where we are living
His and Her Most Memorable Moments of the year
Page 2:
Our Favorite Movies, Books and Music
Places we Traveled Together
Favorite things we did together
Page 3:
How God has worked in Our lives and Marriage this Year
Our Hopes for the Coming Year
Page 4:
A Place for favorite pictures from the year

I'm so grateful for this guy that I get to journey through life with and I love getting to record a few highlights of the year in a special place.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Pinning and doing this next year!