February 19, 2021

Months of Miles: 9 Months


Diaper Size: 5

Clothes size: Mostly 12 months

Things you love: babbling, grabbing, sucking your thumb, eating foods, rolling around, being outside, music.

Things you don't love: when we take things away, when we won't let you grab something (phones, paper, etc.), waiting.

Milestones:  You still sit well and reach for things.  You've started pulling up to your knees when playing with taller toys.  You're still not crawling, but you roll all around, pivot when on your stomach, and reach far for things--it seems like it won't be long before you're crawling but it's seemed that way for a while!  You eat a whole lot of different textures of foods and are learning to drink from a straw cup.  You babble and talk and laugh.  You got your first 2 teeth right after your turned 8 months and you also had your first sick visit to the doctor this month and were diagnosed with the flu!

Miles, this was another crazy month.  Your first teething experience, your first sickness, water damage at our house, and a historic snow/ice storm.  We stayed a lot of different places and were on the go a lot, but you just rolled with it all and were your content little self.  You love to smile and giggle and watch what everyone is doing.  Everyone always comments on your chubby cheeks and how precious you are and we couldn't agree more.  You sure light up our days my sweet baby boy.

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