January 31, 2021

January iPhone Rewind


Sweet boy in his hat!  The 12-24 month size hats don't fit, so this is a 2T hat.

Cooper has always been a big fan of pianos, so we bought him a little keyboard of his own to play.

First Texas snow for either of our boys!

Buzz and Woody.  For Christmas I got the boys a few sets of matching pajamas and they both got Buzz and Woody pajamas, Cooper loves for them to wear the opposite ones so they can be a team ;)

Playing baseball.  Miles is "the catcher" so that's why the stroller is behind Cooper.

Super brothers!

We took a family trip to IKEA one Saturday morning.  Cooper loved trying to steer this cart.

Sweet brother loves to eat.  This was his first time trying black beans.

Climbing all the things.

We had a plumbing back up and ended up with a flooded bathroom floor that led to some other water damage.  So we currently have these dehumidifiers running throughout the house.

Ready for a cold morning walk.

Cooper spent a long time walking along the shoreline of this pond.  Then he decided he wanted to walk in the water and we decided to just let him explore.  Nothing like a little wading in the pond in January.

We spent a lot of the month working on reorganizing our toys, so we put together some new shelving in our fireplace room and moved everything there.

I took the boys to the zoo while the mitigation company worked on some of the water damage.  It was so cool to see this lion so close up.

Baby's first zoo trip!

One of our main focuses for 2021 as a family is spending more time outside.  We've done a lot of walks and the boys and I try to play outside as much as we can.  We're also trying to  check out all of the trails in our city, so we keep the trail map and our hour tracker on the fridge to mark off as we go!

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