February 11, 2019

National Pizza Day

National Pizza Day was this past Saturday, February 9 and since we love pizza I knew it needed to be on our list!  I ended up doing a pizza themed week leading up to it, so here were a few of our activities.
Our "tot school" theme for the week before was Penguins and Polar Bears (mainly because I wanted to use the play snow we'd made earlier in January again).  So I had this polar bear box that Cooper fed cut out fish to.  So for this week I printed off some pictures of pizzas and pizza slices for him to feed to the polar bear.  He loved doing this and was great at opening the box and restarting it when he was done.

We also made some homemade biscuit pizzas for lunch one day.  I spread the sauce on the biscuits and then Cooper put on the cheese and the pepperoni.

This is how he felt about me taking away the pizza to put it in the microwave-- he just wanted to eat all of the cheese directly off of it.

He ate in his high chair for a few minutes, but then asked to eat in his tower, so I figured why not!

I also used the felt that I'd used for play tacos to have play pizzas.  I cut out some more strips for cheese and pepperonis and the sauce.  Cooper played with this for about 15 seconds and then was over it.  But I've got it tucked away to try again later.

We also did a pasta sensory bin.  I dyed some of the pasta red and left some plain.  I gave him a cup and a spoon and a parmesan cheese jar and a shovel.  He enjoyed scooping it into an empty bin for a few minutes...

... and then proceeded to take the bin and dump it out on the carpet right next to the tablecloth I'd put out for him to play on.  Because that's how sensory bins at our house really go.

I guess I didn't get a picture of it, but I also gave him some red craft sticks and some red pom poms to put inside the parmesan cheese jar.  He enjoyed doing that one day while I cooked dinner.

And then we ended up not even eating pizza on the actual day of national pizza day.  I was gone for all meals that day, so it just wasn't part of the plan.  So we went out to eat at one of our favorite pizza places-- Old Chicago Pizza-- on Sunday and I completely forgot to take a picture!  Cooper loved it though, he ate 3/4s of his kids pizza and loved dipping it in ranch like I do.  

Overall it was a fun week celebrating pizza!

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