February 1, 2018

Cooper's Cubbyhole: 10 Months

10 months
Weight: 19.6 pounds
Diaper Size: 3
Clothing Size: 6-9 months
Things you Love: Lily, Lily’s bowls, Lily’s crate, looking out the window, opening and closing doors, Little People, Walker toy, exploring and crawling and getting into all the things, being chased, chewing on beaded necklaces
Things you Don’t Love:  Car seat, diaper changes and getting dressed (being laid down), separating from us at church nursery, being in your high chair or the kitchen without food, being told no or redirected
Eating: You still love to eat.  You have slowed down a little this month I feel like, but you still eat a good amount for breakfast and dinner (you only do lunch if we are eating out).  You love oatmeal, eggs, blueberries, chicken, raisins, cheerios, yogurt, sweet potatoes.  You’ll eat vegetables that we give you, but you have started showing a real preference for food by picking out the foods you like first and then eating everything else after that’s gone-- usually blueberries are the first thing you eat all of if they’re offered!
Milestones: You learned to drink from a straw cup pretty well and started trying to bring a spoon to your mouth with yogurt on it.  You’ve started waving and saying bye bye pretty intentionally this month.  You love to clap your hands and will clap when we sing “If you’re happy and you know it.”  You are taking lots of steps when you are pushing things and cruise and bridge between things all the time.  You also like turning pages in books when I read (that’s about the only part of books that holds your interest!)

My silly boy, you have had such a big month.  You suddenly look so big to us (even though you’re still really little compared to most of your friends) and you are doing so much!  You make silly faces and laugh all the time.  You have also started testing boundaries now that you’re crawling more and you do not like being told “no” or being moved away from something you are trying to get.  You are definitely into doing lots of screaming this month, but you also are babbling like crazy and I love listening to your sweet little voice.  

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