November 3, 2017

Homemade Baby Food

We are now a month into our food adventures with Cooper and he loves getting to sit down and eat.  As soon as I put him in the high chair, he starts making noises like he wants something and grabbing at whatever is in front of him!

Once I realized we'd be doing some purees mixed in with baby led weaning, I decided to try my hand at making a few of Cooper's foods.  We tried some store bought purees first to see what Cooper liked and what he tolerated before I started making purees in bulk.  There are lots of great resources and ideas for making baby food so I had lots of information at hand.  At his 6 month check up, our pediatrician had recommended a website called Baby FoodE that has a lot of great tips and tons of recipes and combinations of different foods and spices.  So I started there and found so many options and got to work!

The first thing I tried was some meat. He took to fruits and vegetables quickly, but I knew meat would give him some much needed fat and iron.  So I made this recipe for beef and sweet potatoes and while pureed meat is not all that appetizing, this seemed to turn out pretty well.  And Cooper gobbled it right it!

A couple weeks ago, I spent an afternoon cooking up a bunch of different purees.
 Apples and Spinach is definitely his favorite.  Cooper loves apples and pears both, and this one tastes just like apples with the added benefits of spinach with it--win win.
Along with that I made some Immune Boost Puree that includes apples, carrots, ginger, orange, and tumeric.  Cooper seems to like this one as well and will eat it up.  Here it is ready to go in the freezer.  Cooper usually eats 4 oz of a puree at a meal, so I did some 4 oz mason jars for full servings.  I also used a freezer tray for 1 oz servings of the Immune Boost puree--this makes it easy to add a cube to any other meals.  Then I did some 2 oz services of the apples and spinach as well so we can have it alongside other foods--I'd seen the idea of using breastmilk storage bags to freeze purees in and that has worked out well for us so far!

Cooper napped through some of the cooking, but when he was awake he played in the kitchen while I prepared his food.  He wants to be wherever I am--if I'm in the kitchen he does not want to play in the living room, but he is content if he can be in the kitchen with me.  And an added bonus is that he loves the kitchen floor because of how easy it is for him to slide around on it!

That evening I steamed some broccoli for dinner and pureed it with some olive oil and a white potato.  Cooper is not a fan of this one, but he eat broccoli if he can feed himself the florets.

I've also made up some of the Fall Superpower Puree (sweet potato, hard boiled eggs, and pear) and some Chicken puree.  Cooper loves these two mixed together.  He seems to get tired of the Fall Superfood puree by itself, but will eat it mixed with other things.  So far he has liked the chicken with everything (I've given it to him by itself, mixed with the Fall superfood puree, and mixed with the Immune Boost puree)
Our freezer is all stocked with his food!  It's so easy to make several batches of food and I'm enjoying experimenting with different flavors and tastes.

He is also loving feeding himself so many things.  He has had bites of bananas, apples, pears, plums, eggs, bell peppers, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, asparagus, and bread!

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