March 13, 2016

A Day Downtown

David and I have been wanting to get down to Klyde Warren park for the last few years, but have never found time.  Last Saturday we had a free day so we decided it would be a good day trip with the kids.  Our 4 year old frequently sees the DART train near us and always comments on the train, so I had mentioned to David that it might be fun to let them ride the train downtown.  So we looked up the schedule and headed down to Dallas.  
 We got on at a train station a few miles from our house and I snapped this picture of David and the kids walking up to the station--I was trailing behind with the stroller and all of our stuff.  Our 3 year old got very scared getting onto the train, but after some snuggles with David she was happy again.  We rode the train to the stop close to the park and got to walking.

By the time we got to the park it was past the kids' lunchtime.  So we quickly got in line for food.  The lines were very long and we ended up getting grilled cheese for me and the kids and David got some food from the Asian truck.  Next time we go I will probably take lunch for the kids--they enjoyed the grilled cheese but would have been just as happy with sandwiches from home and they wouldn't have had to wait.  They were champs with the long wait and took the time to rest and drink their waters while they waited for lunch.

I had The Boss which is a grilled cheese sandwich with brisket.  It was very yummy!

After lunch we headed to the children's park area and let them climb and run around for a while.  The park was very crowded since it was a beautiful weekend day.  After a little while playing it was time to head home.  Everyone was worn out so we did baths, had a family movie afternoon and then early bedtimes!  It was a great day trip and I'm glad we finally made it down there.  

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