December 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 7 Months

 Diaper Size: 5

Clothes size: Some 9 months, some 12 months

Things you love: your brother, being talked or sung to, peek-a-boo, eating, teething toys, your thumb, being outside, rolling all around the room, sitting up, talking.

Things you don't love: being put down alone, waiting to eat in the mornings (if I try to change your diaper first you lose it!), 

Milestones:  You are sitting for long stretches of time now and seem so proud of yourself.  You still roll all around and you do well on tummy time.  You don't seem to have any interest in trying to move forward on your tummy or arms, but I'm fine with that and I know it will come soon enough!  You are also eating a ton-- still some purees and I've started giving you various steamed fruits and vegetables and you gobble them all up!  You've also been babbling a lot more this month--especially the "m" sound!

Miles, you light up our life!  All of us would do anything to make you smile or laugh and you reward us with big smiles and giggles frequently!  You love your brother and watch him intently.  You also still only have eyes for mama a lot of the time.  It's been so fun watching you play more and more this month and also watching how much you love all the food you're trying!  We're so thankful for you and the brightness you've brought to our 2020.  I love you my little Miles-a-moo!

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