November 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 6 Months


Weight: 20 lbs 10.5 oz

Diaper Size: 4 (but about to move up to size 5!)

Clothes size: Mostly 6-9/9 months now.

Things you love: your brother, being talked or sung to, peek-a-boo, eating, teething toys, your thumb, being outside, rolling all around the room

Things you don't love: being put down alone, waiting to eat in the mornings (if I try to change your diaper first you lose it!), us telling you to say "Ahh!" while eating (this immediately triggers big tears)

Milestones: You started eating some pureed foods in the past week!  You're rolling all over and can now sit up for a short amount of time without toppling over.  You are chewing on all kinds of toys and foods.  You are still growing like crazy.

My sweet little Miles-a-moo you are just so much fun.  You laugh and smile so big and it melts me.  I love rocking you for naps and bedtime and just watching you smile so big at me to get out of going to sleep (although you usually fall asleep pretty quickly!).  I love watching you and your brother-- he loves to entertain you and you think he is just the funniest.  I can't believe we're halfway through your first year (and what a year this one is!).  I am treasuring all of our time at home together and just soaking up my days with you my sweet baby boy.

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