September 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 4 Months

Weight: 18 lbs 15 oz
Diaper Size: 4
Clothes Size: Mostly 3-6 or 6 months
Things you Love: Being Held, Eating, being outside, your thumb, hanging toys on your bassinet and play mat, being sung to, getting your clothes changed (most babies don't love this, but you just giggle so much on the changing table)
Things you Don’t Love: Being hungry, your car seat, loud noises
Milestones: You still eat and sleep pretty well. You are visually exploring so much now and love looking at your toys and reaching for them. You've been showing more interest in brother this month and will laugh when he talks to you. You are doing better at tummy time and will hold your head up and stay on your tummy, especially when you can look in the mirror or when I sing to you while you're there. You do frequently roll over when I put you on your tummy.  I cut dairy out of my diet last month and you have done so well and all of your reflux symptoms almost immediately disappeared, so that has been a new adventure for us both!

My sweet baby boy I just can't get enough of you.  I kiss your cheeks about a hundred times a day and could just sit and stare at you forever.  I love watching you interact with your brother and laugh at him when he tries to entertain you.  I can't believe we're a third of the way through your first year, but I'm just trying to soak up all of the moments.  It's been fun starting to see your personality come out and I can't wait to continue to watch you grow.  Miles, we couldn't love you more if we tried!  

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