August 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 3 Months


Weight: 17.5 lbs
Diaper Size: 3
Clothes Size: Mostly 3-6 or 6 months
Things you Love: Being Held, Eating, Mommy, being outside, being talked to face to face, the hanging toys on your bassinet and playmat
Things you Don’t Love: Being hungry, your car seat, loud noises, tummy time
Milestones: You still eat like a champ! And you also sleep like a champ at night. Several times in the last 3 months you've gone days in a row of sleeping 10 hours at night and then you go back to waking earlier, but you still sleep a long stretch every night. You smile and giggle at us when we talk to you or sing to you, you get a huge smile that lights up your whole face. You've started showing a little more interest in your brother this month, but still mostly have eyes for Mommy. You hate tummy time and rarely last 10 seconds before you start crying, so we're doing lots of little bursts and working on your head control while we hold you. You started showing more interest in toys this month and will bat at the toys in your bassinet and your playmat.

My sweet baby boy you are such a joy. I love days when I can just hold you for long periods of time and revel in your smiles and your snuggles. I feel very unproductive a lot of days, but I know these moments with you are fleeting, so I'm soaking them up. Your brother still thinks you are the coolest thing ever and he loves to match with you and know where you are at all times. We all are just so glad you are part of our family! My little Miles-a-Moo, I sure love you!

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