June 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 1 month

Happy 1 month to our Miles Caleb!  

Weight: 11 lbs 10.5 ounces
Height: 21.85 inches
Diaper Size: 2
Clothes Size: 0-3 months
Things you Love: Being Held, Eating, sucking on your hands, Mommy
Things you Don’t Love: Bath time, Being Hungry, Pacifiers (which is baffling to your Paci addicted brother!), your car seat
Milestones: You have been eating like a champ from the very beginning and are continuing to do well with feedings. You try to hold your head up when we are holding you. You will lift your head a little on the floor and even rolled yourself off your tummy once this week. You've already been to your doctor 3 times and the dentist (for your lip/tongue tie and follow ups) 3 times in the past month. You are starting to sleep a long stretch at night after you eat for 2 hours straight leading up to bedtime.

Sweet Baby Boy, you are just perfect to me. We all fell in love with your immediately and you fit into our family so well. You are so snuggly and love to be held. When you get upset you will almost instantly calm in my arms and I love how you melt into me. You are eating like a champ which has been a whole different experience from big brother, and I'm so thankful for how well you have taken to that. Our first month with you has been so sweet and we are trying to cherish every moment with you!

(We decided to try out the app 1 second everyday to capture moments of each day of Miles. So far it's been really easy to use!)

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