February 17, 2020

Cooper's New Room

I realize I haven't shared a lot of details of our "new" house.  Between starting teaching MDO, moving, pregnancy, and a 2 year old I just haven't had a ton of time to get things settled or to take lots of pictures or share much of it yet.  But we finally got Cooper's room settled so I thought I'd share a glimpse of his big boy room.
I told Cooper I wanted to take some pictures of his new room and he said "take a picture of me!"  He was so proud to show it all off.

Another view from the door.

When we first started talking about bed options I had thought a low loft bed could be fun.  Since Cooper's room isn't all that big, it gives him some more floor space.  We have ordered a curtain to go under the bed to make a tent, but it's not ready yet.  We'll see if he likes it as much as he has in the pictures.  But so far he is loving his stairs bed-- it's been less than a week but he is so excited to get in it every night and afternoon and he's actually sleeping better than usual right now.   In the picture above he's showing off one of his favorite features--he gets so excited about being able to play under his bed.

We knew we were going to be getting Cooper new furniture around the beginning of this year, so we didn't hang any of his decorations until after we got that settled--it's so nice to have it all a little more put together.  We reused most of the decorations we already had from his nursery.  His Cooper's dugout sign, Little Slugger sign, and Joshua 1:9 Bible Verse all came from there.

He showed me where he wanted to hang his metal baseball and hat sign as well as his bat that everyone signed at my shower for him.  We bought him a new bookshelf since that seems more useful than the cubbies for him right now.  We have books on it as well as shoes, socks, and underwear so he can access them easily.  The dresser was made my by great-grandfather and it was at my grandparents' house when I was growing up.  When my Grandpa moved out of his house he wanted to make sure it went to someone in the family and I was happy to take it.  David and I have been using it since we got married, but we finally upgraded to something a little bigger-- and I love that this dresser has found it's home in Cooper's room!

Here he is the first morning he slept in his bed-- still asleep at 7:45!  He absolutely loves it and we are happy with how everything turned out!

All of his old furniture has now made it's way to the nursery for baby brother and we are looking forward to getting that all set up soon!

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