June 8, 2019

National Donut Day

With all the things going on in April and May we kind of took a break from our oddball holiday celebrations for a couple of months.  But I decided to pick them back up with National Donut Day this week.  We had VBS at our church all last week so we've been pretty busy with not much time to go out and get donuts or think much about it.  But I realized I had saved a few different low carb donut recipes over the past year or so that I have been wanting to try, so I decided to try my hand at making some donuts while Cooper napped yesterday.

I was really tempted to buy a donut pan for making donuts, but I restrained myself.  I had seen some ideas for making a donut pan out of a muffin tin with foil.  I decided to try out my mini bundt pan and my muffin-top pan--I baked these whole and then used biscuit cutters to cut a hole in the middle after they were baked so we also had some donut holes.

I made some chocolate donuts and some regular donuts.  On the big ones I put a chocolate glaze or a butter glaze.  The "donut holes" I dipped in powdered sugar substitute (I use swerve) mixed with cocoa powder for the chocolate ones, and granulated sugar substitute mixed with cinnamon for the regular flavored ones.  

Honestly, neither kind we're great so I'm not going to share the recipes I tried since I wouldn't necessarily recommend the process at this point.  They were nowhere near donut consistency-- I don't know if it's because I didn't have the right kind of pan or if that's just how it goes with trying to bake donuts.  I liked the ones without glaze, just rolled in a little extra sugar the best.  

But Cooper didn't really know any differently.  He has only ever had a donut on his 2nd birthday, so this was a fun snack for him and they weren't so terrible that we didn't eat a few.  I debated taking him to a donut store after nap since these were not awesome, but we stayed home and made do :)

One of the instagram accounts I followed posted about how she talks through the "Donut Gospel" with her toddler whenever they eat donuts so we did that too.  We listened to the song "Life without Jesus is like a Donut" over and over again while we ate our snack and Cooper loved it.

Even though the donuts were a bit of a letdown, it was still a fun afternoon treat to share to end the week!

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