July 23, 2018

Anniversary Celebration

Since we've gotten married, our anniversary has been an unusually busy day every year.  In fact, the only anniversary where we've spent more than about an hour together without a big group was last year when we had a 3 month old who was with us the whole time.  We've had road trips with International Students, Young Adult Leadership Dinners, Community Group guys and girls nights, and doctors appointments all fall on the day of our anniversary.  And this year was no different.  I am going to be on the Leadership team for our MOPS group this coming Fall and I had to laugh when I got the dates of the summer planning retreat and saw that it was the 20-21.  David had to work on the 20th, so we grabbed breakfast out with Cooper before he headed to work.  My mom came and stayed with Cooper in the afternoon until David got home, so that little breakfast date was all we saw of each other on our anniversary.

We only have one car seat for Cooper and David had it for the weekend, so Cooper and I actually walked home from breakfast (which is why we chose McDonald's since it's only about a mile away) hence my workout clothes.

Luckily, we were able to make plans to celebrate the next night with a date night.  David had the idea of going back to Gaylord to eat dinner like we had done on our Honeymoon and it ended up being perfect.

We went to the Riverwalk Cantina and they were having a dinner buffet, so we enjoyed lots of fajita meat and queso and a variety of foods.

During dinner we went through some questions on this Anniversary Interview I found a few years ago.  It's been a fun way to look back at the past year and look ahead to the next.

After dinner we walked around the Gaylord a little and took a few more pictures.  They had a bunch of Smurf themed decorations out and lots of families out enjoying it.  We talked about a few different things to do after dinner, but ultimately decided on a movie.  We went and saw Won't You Be My Neighbor and we both liked it a lot!

Sunday we spent nap time filling out our Anniversary Journal and working on a date night jar that I gave David as a gift {the traditional year 5 gift is wood, so he got some wooden craft sticks to put in the jar}.  We came up with a whole bunch of date ideas-- some that can be done at home last minute, some that take a little more planning, some that Cooper can join us on, and some more special times out.  We color coordinated them for different themes and have that to go to over the coming year when we're looking for something to do together.  

It was a great weekend-- I love getting to celebrate 5 years with my guy!

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