May 30, 2018

What's Up Wednesday

Linking up today for a little glimpse of what's going on around here.

What we're eating this week
We ate burgers and hot dogs from the grill at the beginning of the week.  The rest of the week I'm trying to come up with meals from some of the food we have in our freezer.  On the menu we have a Beef and Cauliflower bake, Fish and Veggies, and a homemade Pizza.

What I'm reminiscing about
This little toothless grin came up in our picture memories this week from a year ago.  Cooper now has 6 teeth and with his new haircut he is looking big, so it's sweet to reminisce about this little guy!

What I'm loving

Cooper has gotten really into books in the past month.  Before he might sit for part of book, but would lose interest quickly.  Now he brings me books to read all day long and I love that he loves them.  I don't necessarily love reading Llama Llama Red Pajama 15 times in a row, but for him I'll do it.  

What we've been up to
Nap transition!  Since March Cooper has seemed like he was ready to drop his morning nap and go to just one nap a day but I was dreading it a little and he kept napping so we just kept it up.  But over the last week he seemed to have more trouble going to sleep and wouldn't nap for very long.  Friday and Saturday he didn't sleep when he was in his crib and he never naps Sunday morning at church. So on Monday we decided to try staying busy all morning while Daddy was home and see how he did.  He did really well and took a long afternoon nap.  So we're officially transitioning to one nap (I think).  Tuesday was a little rougher, but he still made it to the afternoon and napped well.  And this morning we had our friends the McCullough twins over to play so he made it through without a nap and is now asleep.  So here's to more morning fun!

What I'm dreading
I can't believe there are 100 degree days in our forecast.  Summer is coming in in full force and I'm dreading not being able to be outside as much.  We've gotten into a great routine of going for a walk in the afternoons so I can get some exercise and Cooper can play and we pass the time between nap and dinner.  But it is just getting too hot.  Luckily we can switch to the mornings now that he's awake more, but even that is pretty hot.  Guess it'll give us good reason to be in the water this summer!

What I'm working on
Rearranging our living room and play spaces.  We're trying to get a little more organized and working on helping Cooper pick up toys as he plays, so we've done some rearranging to make that easier.  And I am working on making it fit our room just right.

What I'm excited about
Summer fun!  We had a great weekend swimming and playing and we're looking forward to more!  As well as some playdates with friends this summer and trying out some splash parks and library storytime.

What I'm watching/reading
I did watch the premier of The Bachelorette last night, not sure if I'll keep up all season but I listen to a few podcasts that do recaps of it, so I thought I'd check out the first episode at least.

This book was recommended to me by a friend and I actually started it about a year ago but had lots of other books going when it was available so I abandoned it pretty quickly.  I just picked it back up again over the weekend so we'll see how far I get!

What I'm listening to
Still lots and lots of podcasts.  Current favorites are God Centered Mom, Coffee and Crumbs, Journeywoman, The Popcast, and A Year of Listening.

What I'm wearing
Lots of t-shirts and shorts/workout pants.  Since we go on a walk most days I tend to just live in those clothes.  

What I'm doing this weekend
No specific plans at this point other than church.  I started volunteering with our preschool Sunday School classes once a month so I'll do that this Sunday.  Other than that, just hanging out with David and Cooper.

What I'm looking forward to next month
I'm helping with VBS at our new church and we are trying to plan a daytrip to meet up with my friend Nicki and her little boy.  

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