May 10, 2014

Year of Dates: Disc Golf

When I was planning out the year of dates for David and I, I knew I wanted May to be an outdoor date.  Usually May is fairly nice here... it's starting to get hot but we can still really enjoy being outside.  David really enjoys playing Disc Golf, but it's not something that he gets to do a lot--and we have never gone together--so I thought it would be a fun thing to do

 We loaded up our supplies--a picnic lunch and frisbees (apparently there are different ones for different ranges... including a "putter" who knew? ;-) and headed to the park

 I packed up a picnic lunch of Hawaiian roll turkey and ham sandwiches, Chex Mix, Homemade PB and Chocolate Chip cookies and Gatorade.  We had lunch when we first got to the park and then headed onto the course

A few action shots

We ended up only playing about half the course because it was really muddy and I am really terrible so it took us a long time on each hole... but we had a great time.  It was fun doing something different and checking out a park he hadn't been to

 And a staple of any Spring/Summer afternoon outdoors--Sonic drinks to cool you off afterward

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