March 24, 2021

100 Hours Outside

 Since we're in the midst of another year at home, I thought it would be fun to try the 1000 hours outside project.  After we did Superhero School and Christmas School last Fall, Cooper said he didn't want to do school anymore-- so our main focus of our time right now is spending as much time as we can outside, exploring and playing and visiting new parks and trails.  

We hit our first 100 hours outside on March 10.  I don't know if we'll hit 1000 before the year is over, but it's fun to focus on being outside as much as we can.  Cooper loves exploring and we're enjoying eating meals outside when the weather is nice.  And it's just nice for all of us to get out of the house and enjoy some sunshine!  

100 hours of family time, exploring creeks, riding bikes, napping in the stroller, visiting the zoo and the arboretum, playing in our yard (usually in pajamas), meals on the back patio, playing soccer, riding in the carrier.  We've played in snow and puddles, we've played in single digit weather and almost 80 degree weather.  

It's been a fun adventure this year and we're already on our way to our next 100 hours...

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