October 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 5 Months

Weight: 20 lbs
Diaper Size: 4
Clothes Size: Some 6 months, some 9 months
Things you Love: Being Held, Eating, being outside, your thumb, hanging toys on your bassinet and play mat, being sung to, getting your clothes changed (most babies don't love this, but you just giggle so much on the changing table), rolling over (until you're on your tummy too long!), your brother
Things you Don’t Love: Being hungry, your car seat, loud noises
Milestones: You started rolling to your stomach this month, but will frequently get mad after a few minutes there. Sometimes you can roll back to your back, but you don't always. You've started showing more interest in your brother this month and you both just make each other giggle like crazy. You make lots of sounds and Cooper will frequently tell us you said something specific ("Miles just said bump!" "Miles was singing to the music!"). You went on your first family vacation this month!

Oh my sweet baby boy, your smile just melts me.  I love holding you and I love that you still love to be rocked (by this point your brother couldn't be rocked to sleep because he'd quickly wake up, but you let me rock you to sleep and you easily stay asleep).  You still go with the flow pretty well, but you are also starting to make your displeasure known more.  We all 3 would do anything to make you smile.  You light up our days and we're just so glad you're ours.

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