May 24, 2020

Welcome Baby Miles

After months of waiting, including a crazy last couple of months in the midst of a pandemic, the day finally arrived for us to meet baby Miles.  We decided fairly early on to plan for a repeat c-section.  So we'd had May 19 on our calendar for a few months.
We headed in Tuesday afternoon.  After Covid screening at the entrance, we were both given masks to wear while we were in the hospital.  Luckily they exchanged mine for an oxygen mask after not too long and it ended up not being too crazy.

Miles Caleb Daniels was born at 3:26 that afternoon.  He weighed 9lbs 9 oz and was 20.5 inches long.  My doctor had been saying for a while that she thought he was big, but even she was surprised by how big!

I ended up having some high blood pressure and some extra bleeding, so we settled in to the recovery room while they monitored me.  We both got some good snuggles with Miles.

We also had time for a quick FaceTime call with big brother!  We wanted him to be the first to "meet" Miles.

We ended up spending an extra night in Labor and Delivery due to the complications I had.  My doctor just wanted me to be monitored more closely for the night.  I was so thankful for her diligence and the care of all of the staff at the hospital this week!

Since we weren't allowed to have any visitors while we were in the hospital, we settled in and snuggled up with our new little guy.  It ended up being a good time to work on feeding and nap on and off throughout the day and night.

After some last minute lab work, we finally headed home Friday afternoon!  It was so good to head home to start life with our family of four!

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