August 16, 2019

High Five for Friday!

We're halfway through August and it feels like we're crazy busy and have not much going on all at the same time.  But I'm so thankful for Friday, so thought I'd do a little High Five for Friday to celebrate the weekend!

We kicked off the month with a surgery for Cooper.  He has had a bump below his knee for a while and after watching it for several months and doing some imaging we decided it was best to have it removed.  We decided to do it before all of our Fall activities started up.  Our last 2 weeks have looked a lot like this-- watching Mickey Mouse on TV trying to keep him from injuring himself.  He actually has done pretty well protecting his knee from getting hurt, but we're still cautious and he's now back to his usual energetic running and jumping self, so we still watch some TV each day to have a few moments of stillness.  But I'm grateful that he seems to be pretty much healed now.  We'll go back to the surgeon later this month to have his stitches removed and follow up, but so far so good!

While all of our friends around us are getting back to school, we are enjoying our last couple of weeks of a free schedule.  So in between trying to recover from his surgery we've been going to story time and the library and another trip for peach ice cream at Ham Orchards.

I am excited (and a little overwhelmed) by all of our activities starting up soon!  This year we will be continuing with MOPS and I changed roles to coordinate the kids' curriculum-- I'm excited about it but it involves a lot of prep work during the summer so I've been busy working on that!  I also am going to be teaching at a Mothers Day Out 2 days a week where Cooper will attend the 2 year old class.  And we will continue our Bible Study once a week.  I'm also switching service times for my preschool coordinator job at my church so I'm in the midst of training the person who is taking over my hour while also working on promotion for all the kids and our new volunteer schedule.  I'm so thankful for all we're involved in and really looking forward to it all, but it's a lot of different roles to juggle and I'm just trying to stay on top of it all.

I am so excited to be on the launch team for the new Risen Motherhood book.  I found their podcast around the time Cooper was born and it has been such an encouragement.  This is one of the pages from the book and I feel like this sums up what I love about their ministry-- they do a great job of relating all things to the gospel.  I've started the book and am loving it so far-- full review to come!

We are back in the craziness of house hunting.  We had thought we might wait a little while to look, but I couldn't help myself from looking at what was available.  So we found some things we really liked and decided to start really looking into them.  We have a house under contract right now and are in the inspection and negotiation process-- so far it has been a good experience, just waiting and praying for all the next steps!

Happy Friday!

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