July 31, 2020

July iPhone Rewind

A family picture for the 4th of July!  The boys had matching outfits from Grandma and when I was getting ready Cooper came in and said "Mom I like you" and for a few seconds my heart melted and then I realized he was just saying we were dressed alike because our shirts matched ;)

First fireworks for both kids.  The City of Plano had their fireworks on a private farm to avoid crowds gathering, but we were able to catch them not far from our house.  

This was one of my favorite outfits, so when I put M in it I had lots of flashbacks to Cooper wearing it and created a side by side.  Cooper was about 4 months old in this picture, Miles wasn't even 2 months when we wore it, but he's already pretty much outgrown it.

We've been dipping our toes into seeing a few people this month.  So we had an outdoor playdate with our friend Averly.  They had a cool setup in their front yard of pools and water tables and the kids splashed and played soccer and had a great time!

Frequently when Cooper gets dressed in the morning he wants to know if Miles has the same kind of shirt.  So this day was Red Texas Rangers shirts.

I had been really wanting some Bahama Bucks, so we took a Sunday afternoon drive to get some.

Cooper had watched some episode of Daniel Tiger where they go on a night hike and he's been asking for one ever since.  So one weekend evening after he had napped well we let him stay up and went on a walk around 8:15.  It's still not dark, but about as good as we can do this time of year!

I've got this summer bucket list from Busy Toddler saved on my phone, so any time we need a little something extra I pull it out for an activity idea.  First up was freezing toys in ice.  I put Cooper's small cars in an ice cube tray and froze them over night.  I gave him his shovel, some droppers, and a little bowl of water to try to free them.  He ended up mainly throwing them to break the ice and then putting them in the water to melt the rest away.  He loved this activity and has asked for it several times since!

We also spent a morning watching construction at a new Chick Fil A going up.  It's being built right by the closest CFA to us (we assume it will replace the current one) so Cooper sees it whenever we go pick up food from the drive thru (which is a lot, haha).  So I packed up our snack and we ate snack and watched them work from our air conditioned car.

We had planned for Cooper to go spend a night with Grandma.  She happened to be over the day before and asked if he wanted to come home with her now and spend 2 nights and he immediately jumped at the chance and packed his bags.  He was ready!

With an extra day of just me and little M, I worked on this dress up rack that I wanted to do.  An on-sale bookshelf and a tension curtain rod and some toddler hangers.  It's harder for Cooper to clean them up independently (versus putting them all in a bin like before) but we're working on turning them right side out and hanging them up and he's starting to get it.

We also took the opportunity for a date night with our littlest 3rd wheel.  I found a local farm that's doing drive in movies so we drove out and watched Field of Dreams.  It was a lot of fun doing something different!

Sunday afternoon water gun fights.

This little guy loves being outside.  He will just fall asleep on his own laying outside and he definitely does not do that anywhere else!

Another bucket list activity-- play in the mud!  One of the days it rained this week we added some extra water to the dirt and Cooper dug up some mud.

Doctor Cooper!  He is very into dressing up and pretend play, so I made him a new doctor bag to go with his Doctor coat I found on Facebook.  His doctor bag includes some stethoscopes (made from a headband and ribbon), pen light, bandaids, an ace bandage, syringes, empty medicine bottles, and a notepad and pen.  He loves giving checkups and had 7 bandaids on himself this day!

And one more of the coordinating boys in Blue Texas Rangers ;)

July 19, 2020

Months of Miles: 2 Months

Weight: 14 lbs 11.5 ounces
Diaper Size: 3
Clothes Size: 0-3 months (onesies are starting to get too snug, but most of your 0-3 months still fits)
Things you Love: Being Held, Eating, sucking on your hands, Mommy, being outside
Things you Don’t Love: Being hungry, your car seat, loud noises, tummy time
Milestones: You still eat like a champ! You've started smiling this month, although your smiles are still a little hard to come by. You are making eye contact, but still not super interested in looking at toys or other things. You're still a pretty good sleeper, but not always consistent-- you go from sleeping all night to waking up the next, back to sleeping all night and back to waking up-- so we're just taking the good stretches when we get them! You do lots of cooing and gurgling to talk to us and you lift your head well when we're holding you.

My sweet little guy you are so precious to me.  I absolutely love getting to snuggle with you.  I'm so thrilled at how well you eat and enjoy that special time together.  You are a Momma's boy for sure right now and I'm savoring how quickly you settle with me because I know it won't last forever.  Your smiles and sweet sounds melt my heart.  When I rock you to sleep you immediately start smiling and talking-- already thinking you can get out of naps by flirting ;). You have fit so perfectly into our family and our lives.  These first months (and probably year) of your life are such a different time in our World, but I'm focusing on the blessing of slower days at home to soak up these moments with you and your brother.  Miles Caleb you are the best.

July 17, 2020

Baby's First Road Trip: Miles Edition

3 years ago in July we packed Cooper up for his first road trip to Oklahoma to see his Grandnanny.   Since then we have gone to Oklahoma every July.  With Covid we weren't sure what would work out this year, but we still wanted to take the boys up to see Grandnanny and family and give her a chance to meet Miles.  So we waited until we were done with most of our doctors appointments and when we would be fairly quarantined before we went and headed up last weekend.

We headed out mid morning and both boys did great in the car.  We stopped about halfway to eat lunch in the car and feed Miles.  When he would get upset Cooper was quick to hold his hand, but really he was pretty content on the ride up since it's mostly highway with few stops.

Little guy's first snuggles with his Grandnanny.

Cooper also got some Grandnanny snuggles while they read books.

On Saturday we went over to David's Uncle and Aunt's house to swim and eat lunch with family.  Miles crashed on the bench on the back porch.  He loves being outside and is pretty content there.

Cooper loved swimming, jumping in, riding the floats, and throwing toys for his cousin to dive for.

He also liked sitting in the kayak that they were cleaning out.

And hide and seek was a huge hit with these cousins.  They played so well together and had a blast.

Grandnanny with both boys before we headed out Sunday.

It was a great visit with family.  We enjoyed getting to see everyone and introduce Miles to Oklahoma!  Looking forward to going back.

July 1, 2020

June iPhone Rewind

We took both boys for check ups-- Miles for his 2 week check and Cooper's (late) 3 year check up.  We all had our masks while we spent time with Dr Pounds (who we all love!)

Cooper frequently holds Miles's hand in the car.

We went to Blase Family farms to pick blueberries and eat some popsicles one morning while David was still off work.

A morning in the inflatable pool with all the extras!

We also took a family trip out to Ham Orchards for blackberry picking and to shop at their store and take home some BBQ and ice cream.

Miles was pretty unsure about that "long" (45 minute) car ride.  So I sat with him on the ride home.

Cooper loves painting the shed with water and he really loves when Daddy will paint with him.

We found a creek to explore!

Matching pajamas for the boys.

Cooper helping Miles with tummy time.

Hulk popsicles (1 avocado, 1 banana, 1/2 cup greek yogurt blended and frozen) make us stronger!

Morning snuggles with both boys.

Cooper and Miles both wore their Texas Rangers outfits for Daddy's birthday.

Round 3 of Quarantine Haircuts

And our first real family photo where you can see everyone's faces!

Miles was doing tummy time and fell asleep so he took his nap there for the afternoon. (This quilt was made by one of my baby hall volunteers at church-- isn't it beautiful?)

Big brother and Little brother filled our days this month :)