I wrote in January about our church's Save the Date challenge for this year, so I thought I'd share our February dates.
Date #1 was a dinner at home. David started his new job earlier this month, so on the first day of his job I told him to pick what he wanted me to make for dinner. He chose the Sour Cream Enchiladas that I made from our recipe list and we put the kids to bed early and enjoyed an evening together.
Date #2 was our Valentine's Date. My mom watched the kids the Saturday of Valentine's weekend and we enjoyed a night out. We have gone to Outback for Valentine's several years because we really enjoy their special. After dinner we had planned to see a movie, but decided we didn't want to spend our time together in a movie theater--so we spent the rest of the evening just driving around and talking.
For Date #3 we watched a marriage conference together from our couch. Matt and Lauren Chandler hosted a marriage conference the weekend of February 19 and if you paid for the registration you can watch the sessions on demand through May--so we watched a few sessions Friday night and will watch the rest throughout the next few months.
Date #4 was another cozy night at home. It had been cold and rainy, so we got Black Eyed Pea to go and enjoyed dinner together after the kids were asleep.
I love every date with this guy--whether we go out or stay in--and it's been fun to focus on some specific date nights together this year.