Diaper Size: You are finally potty trained!!!!!! It took *a while* but we're done with daytime diapers. We just recently moved to Goodnites for overnight because you are nowhere near ready for nighttime potty training (which is 100% fine) and these help get you through the night dry
Clothing Size: 3T mostly, we've gotten out your 4T shirts to give you some new options.
Things you love: Superheroes, riding your balance bike, exploring creeks, building with magnatiles, Paw Patrol, dressing up like characters, books, puzzles, cars.
Things you don't love: Being told no, being patient, bedtime, not having anyone to play with, his exact words are "That I don't get something that I want" when he talks about what makes him sad.
Milestones: Your communication is still one of your greatest strengths-- you have so many words in your vocabulary and you are really good at explaining what's happening, what you want, what's wrong, etc. This past year you've learned most of your letters and have really taken to counting. You're still not a huge fan of any kind of coloring or art project, but you've started getting coloring books out a little more on your own. You ride super fast on your balance bike, but still are really struggling with figuring out pedaling a bike. You can climb and jump and run better than almost anyone I know-- it always amazes me and others how well you do on physical tasks. You've also memorized several Bible verses over the past year through our Superhero School and songs that we listen to/sing.
Fun things about you:
*You are still such a people person. Even though we're not around as many people as we used to be, you still constantly think of and ask about your friends. You are an amazing big brother to Miles. And you've even started getting interested in other smaller kids around M's age.
*Every single morning you come find us and the first thing out of your mouth is "Let's pretend to be characters from __________." (Paw Patrol, Avengers, Lion King, Frozen, etc.) and then proceed to tell us who everyone can be. (usually including "all our friends and family and people we don't know can be ______."). Daddy used to tell you he didn't have time to play in response to this, but we've learned if we just say "okay" then you go on your way pretending to be those things. You also get upset if we call you the wrong character name, but sometimes it's hard to keep up with who you are pretending to be!
*You still have an amazing memory. We will listen to something once and you can remember the words. You remember things from more than a year ago at times and will bring them up or incorporate them into the way you're playing.
*You still like balls and sports, but mostly just play with Daddy. We've talked about trying out a soccer team, but you always tell us you just want to play at home.
We did another interview this year to see what Cooper had to say about himself.
What's your favorite color? Red
What's your favorite food? Cheerios
What's your favorite movie? Lion King 1 and 2 (his current favorites)
What's your favorite TV show? Lion Guard and Paw Patrol
What's your favorite song? "Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum"
What's your favorite book? Paw Patrol 5 Minute Stories, Paw Patrol Puppy Birthday to you
What's your favorite toy? All the toys that I have
What's your favorite thing to do? Play in my room
What's your favorite place to go? A Playplace (He literally has not been to a playplace in over a year, but we think he remembers this answer from his video last year)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Daddy
Cooper Paul, what a fun 4 years we've had together! Over the past year we've had a lot of time together and while some of it has made us both crazy, I've so enjoyed seeing your mind work and exploring what you're interested in. I love adventuring with you and the things that you show me when we're out on walks. Your love of pretend play and dressing up keeps us on our toes. And you keep us laughing with the ideas you come up-- you frequently say "I have a great idea, let's ________." Sometimes I worry we aren't doing enough for you or we are messing up everything, but overall I think you're a pretty fun kid who is learning and growing so much all the time. Watching you with Miles has been a favorite part of this past year and you still love him a lot (although you're not a huge fan of the fact that he can now crawl and get to your toys). Thanks for being my adventure buddy and my playmate. I love you to Mars and Back my Cooper Paul!