Cooper has been talking for the last month about how he "misses Miles." He's been so excited to meet him, but we weren't sure what he would actually think. But so far he is doing really well and loves his baby brother. He talks to him all the time and wants to help him out. He is constantly trying to give him pacis since that is Cooper's favorite thing and whenever he gets up in the morning or from nap he immediately goes to find Miles and say hi to him. Here's a few shots of their first days together.
When we got home from the hospital Cooper didn't want to hold Miles, but he wanted him to sit right next to him on the couch while he watched his show.
But quickly he asked to hold him. And was so excited to do so. And he has asked to hold him 100 times since then and even will tell me "I'll hold Miles" when I need to go do something else. He still needs some help to hold onto him but he is doing a great job being gentle.
We also got a few pictures in their shirts that I made (before Miles outgrows his since most of his newborn clothes won't fit long!)
Sweet brothers. It's been so fun to see them meet each other this past week and we're looking forward to years of fun together!